Title: Beyond the night: Chapter 3 (or rather a prologue)
Pairing: Sho/Jun/Ohno, obviously Aiba and Nino appear too. Jun needs his bf Nino so that they can bitch about their stupid mates. :D
Rating: NC-17, will contain lots of interesting stuff ;-)
Genre: romance, smut, vampire!AU, did I mention smut?
Plot: Sho and Satoshi, two high-ranked vampires and companions for years, miraculously share the same mate. One fateful night they meet Jun, a vampire who is rather new to this world. The soulmate bond between them immediatly binds the three of them to each other naturally. Jun is a young vampire, slightly overstrained with the sudden intense bond between them, his mates' protectiveness of him, with life as a vampire and with his body and senses still adapting to his new life. With Sho and Satoshi being old and skilled in comparison to him, he feels even more at a loss and wishes to find a place in this world too, to be on eye-level with them.
Note: This is a belated birthday present for my lovely
learashi <3 This is late, I'm so sorry, but now that I have finished a few chapters, I think I can dare to start posting it ^^
Chapter 1] [
Chapter 2]
Chapter 3