Finally I'm here! Summer classes was over a few days ago and glad to say that I'm back!!! :D
Well, I still didn't now whether I passed all my subjects (STAT is very hard for me actually), but still let's forget that for now.
So what did I miss? Well A LOT. I wasn't able to watch Nino and Ohno's new drama. I know it's on going so I have to catch up. There's also a lot of subbed videos and scanlations and translations on arashi_on (Thank you dear subbers m(_ _)m), so i have to really back read them all to see all the things I've missed.
I started wallowing myself to Arashi goodness last Thursday and I can't believe ARAFES 13 was already released. Thanks to an Arashi fan, I was able to DL it! YEY :D Million thanks again.
On another news, there's a rumor about Jun and Mao dating and there's even a talk about them getting married. I can't say how supportive I am of this, if this is really true. I know a lot of JinxMao shipper and they are pretty ecstatic about this. But if this isn't true I'm pretty sure it'll break their hearts. Tho, of course, there's also a lot of things that will happen if this is true, I mean one of them is getting married! A lot of change will definitely take place. But regardless, I will support ARASHI in general. :)
Now, since I now have the time :)
Happy Summer to me! :D