is over for me until February yaay =)
My final for speech was only 11 questions and i didn't even need my cheat sheet...which means i could have spent all the time i spent on that you know...sleeping or...studying for my mandarin final >.>'(ah well... at least i got extra points for having done it ^^;) At the end of class Johnson was giving us his last speech and at the end he actually started to cry a little bit. He talked about how he was just a little brown kid in minnesota and how he overcame so much adversity to be where he is today and how all of the events in his life and the people he's met has made him the guy he is today, and the fact that he's not the same person he was 15 weeks before he met our class because all of the little stories and such that we've shared with him have become a part of him and changed him. I mean...throughout the course of the semester our class definitely had it's share of laughs, tears, passion, anger and everything in between.
he really is right though. all of the little events, things and people we all face everyday do serve to change us just a little bit. even the most insignificant things build up over time, and it's important to embrace both the bad and the good, because both are important parts of who we are.
which...makes me think of one of my favourite quotes. I'm sure most of you guys have seen it before but it is again:
宮越 由貴奈 作 小四
Translation by
_happy_as_rain_ and I:
Life is very precious.
People are like batteries that sustain life.
But, batteries eventually run out.
Life too always runs out.
Though batteries can quickly be changed,
life cannot be so easily replaced.
Year after year, days pass
but in the end, life is a gift from god's intent.
If there is no life, then humans can't exist.
Still, there are those that wastefully say "I don't need life."
even though they have lots of life left to live.
When I see such people, I become sad.
I will live without resting
So, until I say that my life has worn away,
I'll live life to it's utmost fullest.
We translated it a few years ago, and it's not translated exactly word for word but, whatever I think you get the picture. It's important to embrace life, friends and family as much as possible while it/they are around because you never know when they'll be ripped from your grasp.
This month alone i've seen people dealing with breakups, deaths of loved ones, and of pets; depression, stress in general, lay-offs and a myriad of other things, but at the same time there have been births in families, people getting together, joy at being home, of being done with finals, and just happiness in general, and other simple things like sitting around being able to relax and do something that you enjoy, stuff like that that make life worth experiencing.
a couple of days ago
rudetuesday told me "Enjoy your friends and the times you get together. It's worth it."
It's definitely worth it, especially as we all get older and change more and more. In high school it was easy to stay connected with people, you'd see them everyday in the halls, in class, and at lunch. Now, everyone goes to different schools, has different schedules, different friends, different interests etc. It's rather tough to keep in touch with everyone and it takes a lot more effort to find time for us all to hang out and stuff. There are several people I haven't really talked to since graduation (or even before that actually... ) but at the same time I've made some new friends since then. Something as simple as deciding whether or not to take a class can definitely change things greatly. If I hadn't taken Japanese 2 in the semester that I did, I wouldn't have met my friend Kristy, and if I hadn't decided to add Senensieb's stats class last spring, I wouldn't have seen Kevin again, and I'm certain we wouldn't have gotten together.
Even with people I've met online or in person, I very easily might have not ever met any of you guys. I'm not much of a forum goer, but for some reason or other I decided to check out
pinkspiderhsb's forum and i met a bunch of you guys that way~
And if I hadn't asked for help with pictures for my J3 presentation so long ago I wouldn't have met
eroticore =)
fleetingeyes had come just a few minutes later on the 2nd day of JRR we probably wouldn't have ended up meeting
redroses1791 ^^
Erm... I think I'm rambling at this point haha but my point is it's been great conversing with all of you and i've learned a lot from talking with you all, gained different perspecitves on stuff etc etc, and i'm really glad i met all of you guys ^^
anyways, if i don't post again for a while, MERRY CHRISTMAS Y'ALL ^_^
i hope everyone has a great holiday season, and that the next year treats everyone well =)