United [5x10] States of Arashi Fan Project Scrapbook!

Jul 10, 2009 01:46

United [5x10] States of Arashi

Fan Project Scrapbook!

So, as you know, Arashi is celebrating their 10th year anniversary this year!!! And being from the United States, an ocean away on both sides, why not let your voice be heard?! What we will be doing is forming a PowerPoint that will be burned onto a CD/DVD and given to Aiba Masaki’s mother in Keikarou, their restaurant, by our Secret Agents E and D! So are you interested yet?! Want to participate in the fun?!

Here’s what you need to do and the rules to follow!

What we are looking for:

What we would like to do is compile messages congratulating Arashi for their 10th year and expressing to them how much we love them! [and maybe hint a little for them to come do a concert here! Haha *is bricked*] What you can do is create a page in PowerPoint with some messages to them that include pictures and other things. You can do basically anything you like: write Arashi a letter, write a song, add video files, voice files, do fan art, etc. Whatever you would like to do, do your best and to your hearts content! Show Arashi what we American fans are made of! Yeah!


1) You must be a United States resident or citizen to participate. Please say which state you come from in your submission.

2) Your submission CANNOT include scans of Arashi. If you take pictures with your Arashi merchandise, that's fine. However, if we find out it is against accordance to any Johnny's Entertainment rules, areas, including Arashi member's faces, may be blurred.

3) Please submit in PowerPoint format ONLY ie. .ppt file.

4) Try to keep your submissions to one page and graphically pleasing! Show your skillz!

5) Please no overly fangirling in your submissions. Messages that contain phrases such as, “Sakurai-kun you are so hott and sexy, I wanna take your clothes off!” or “Aiba-chan, marry me!” etc., will not be accepted.

6) Also, please make sure to keep your submissions CLEAN. Nothing inappropriate. It will not be tolerated.

7) You can write in either English or Japanese, whatever you wish! :]

Please remember that all submissions will be put on a CD/DVD and given to Aiba’s mom. So make sure you do your best! We really want a lot of people to participate and show Arashi how much we love them here!

Thank you for your help!! If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to e-mail and ask!

DEADLINE: JULY 24th, 2009

PLEASE E-MAIL YOUR SUBMISSIONS TO: arashi5x10@gmail.com 

aiba masaki, keikarou, aiba mama, secret agents e and d, fan project, usa, arashi 10th year anniversary, arashi, cd/dvd

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