Happy Birthday Nino-chan!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 17, 2009 00:39

Happy 26th Birthday Nino-chan!!!

He can have his cake and eat it too! haha XD
WOW!!! I can't believe Nino is 26 years old!!! It seems just like yesterday he was debuting with Arashi and watching Ohno pick his nose from faraway! I guess that is what they call love at first sight? hahahaha jkjk XD Hmmm I wonder how he celebrated his birthday? Probably with Arashi since they had VS Arashi recording today I believe and they probably got him magic or game stuff for his birthday as usual hehe and then he probably went straight home to play with it all. Oh Neeeeener!! I will always love you! I hope you had a great birthday and that all your dreams and wishes come true!! <3

[Just a mini update for now! I am sorry I have been away T.T I have a lot of stuff going on right now and I'm sorry I haven't been commenting on your guys pages and things! I PROMISE that I do read all of your entries on my friends page but thats all the time I really have. Hoepfully soon I'll be back up and running and get my LJ moving again! haha Until then I shall talk to you guys later! I miss you all!! Especially you
regine_des XD]

26 years old, mini update, birthday, nino, cake, arashi

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