Marius Yo (Sexy Zone) goes on hiatus (translation)

Dec 03, 2020 18:09

Yesterday J&A announced that Marius will be going on hiatus until he makes a full recovery physically and mentally, after being exhuasted from balancing work and studies. You can read their statement here which I've translated below.

Please let me know if I've made any mistakes.

[Original (Japanese)]Original (Japanese)

弊社所属タレントマリウス葉(Sexy Zone)に関するご報告


この度、弊社所属タレントマリウス葉(Sexy Zone)が体調不良のため一定期間芸能活動を休止させていただくことになりましたので、ご報告申し上げます。いつも応援してくださるファンの皆様、そして、ご支援くださる関係者の皆様にはご心配とご迷惑をおかけいたしますこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます。急なご報告となり、誠に申し訳ございません。



そのため、弊事務所としても、本人の意向を確認し、今は心身の健康を何よりも最優先にすべく、一定期間芸能活動を休止させていただくことといたしました。5人での活動を心待ちにしてくださっているファンの皆様並びに関係者の皆様には心苦しい限りではございますが、何卒ご理解賜れますよう、よろしくお願い申し上げます。そして、引き続き、佐藤・中島・菊池・松島の4人で継続してまいりますSexy Zoneの活動を温かく見守っていただけますと幸いに存じます。


Announcement regarding our talent Marius Yo (Sexy Zone)

We would like to thank you for your continued support.

Our talent Marius Yo (Sexy Zone) will take a temporary break from entertainment activities due to his poor health. We deeply apologise to all fans and third parties who have always supported him for causing concern. We are truly sorry for the suddenness of this announcement.

Marius has been ambitiously striving to work in the entertainment industry alongside his studies, and his interests which go beyond the scope of his major have led him to deepen his learning. Our company has endeavoured to listen carefully to Marius as much as possible regarding his work, and made adjustments to his work and study balance whenever possible.

However, based on discussions with Marius and the results of his medical examinations, it is undeniable that his sincere ambition to achieve perfection in everything he does has placed excessive pressure on himself. Recently this has led to the deterioration of his physical and mental balance in his social life, including his work and studies.

From our point of view and after hearing Marius' own wish the first priority now is for Marius to make a full recovery both physically and mentally, so it is for this reason that he will take a temporary break from entertainment activities. We appreciate that this is painful to hear for fans who were looking forward to seeing Sexy Zone as a group of five and to all those involved, but we ask for your understanding. We hope you will keep on warmly supporting Sexy Zone as they continue activities as a group of four - Sato, Nakajima, Kikuchi and Matsushima.

We once again deeply apologise for causing concern.

Johnny & Associates

translations, marius yo, sexy zone

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