The Number About Sexy Zone (vol. 4 Matsushima Sou) (translation)

Nov 27, 2020 12:54


I translated an article about Sou from Nonno December 2020 which has a series of 5 volumes called "The Number About Sexy Zone." Please let me know if I've made any mistakes.

Source: Online article in Japanese

[Original article in Japanese]Original article in Japanese

松島聡(Sexy Zone)に近づく3つの数字【The Number About Sexy Zone vol.4】

The Number About Sexy Zone

2021年、結成10周年を迎えるSexy Zone。等身大の姿が映し出された「数字」を手がかりに、5人の素顔にもっと近づいて。

松島聡 So Matsushima My Private Number

10 ベストサラダに入れる具材
ここ最近、ずっとサラダにハマっています。もう2年くらい、毎日食べ続けているから、レシピのバリエーションもかなり広がったよね。ビギナー時代はドレッシングに頼りがちだったけど最近は味つけを塩とオリーブオイルでシンプルに。具材にもこだわるようになりました。そんな"サラダプロ"の僕の"ベストサラダ"は……。まず、レタスと紫タマネギはマスト。しいたけ、えのき、エリンギの"きのこ3種"を炒めて入れ、人参スライス、オリーブ、クルトンとマッシュルームを添える。って、きのこは4種だったね(笑)。そして、忘れちゃいけないのがブロッコリー! これを夕食に作っておいしくいただくのが、最近の、僕のナイトルーティン。

1 cup 松島聡のモーニングルーティン

22 years old

メンバーから贈る 4 messages @So

From 中島

From 菊池

From 佐藤

From マリウス

まつしま そう
1997年11月27日生まれ、静岡県出身。約1年9か月の療養期間を経て、今年8月に活動を再開。音楽特番『THE MUSIC DAY』にて初めて5人で披露した『RUN』は圧巻のパフォーマンス!

Get to know Matsushima Sou (Sexy Zone) with these 3 numbers (The Number About Sexy Zone vol. 4)

In 2021 Sexy Zone will celebrate 10 years since their debut. Use these numbers which show their genuine selves as clues to help you discover their true nature.

Matsushima Sou: My Private Numbers

10: The number of ingredients in my favourite salad
Lately I've been really into salads. Since I've been eating them every day for about two years I now make quite a few variations. When I first started making salads I tended to rely on the dressing, but lately I've been using a simple seasoning of salt and olive oil. I've become picky about the ingredients. Now that I'm pro at making salads my favourite salad… has to include lettuce and red onion. Then I fry three types of mushrooms - shiitake, enoki and king oyster - and then add them to the lettuce and onion. I garnish it with sliced carrots, olives, croutons and button mushrooms. Which means I actually use four types of mushrooms (laughs). Also, I can't forget about broccoli! My nightly routine lately has been enjoying this for dinner.

1 cup: Matsushima Sou's morning routine
If I always have salad at night then in the morning I always drink coffee as soon as I wake up. These two things are now habits even though I usually can't stick to anything. I've been enjoying spending a lot of time just relaxing and watching Youtube, especially during the stay at home period. That's where I saw some Youtubers' sharing their morning routines (laughs). One of them was drinking coffee from a fancy double-walled coffee glass. I copied them and bought those glasses, and ever since then I began to enjoy drinking coffee and now my morning has become a little fancier (laughs). I'm currently also interested in coffee beans and I'm trying different types.

22 years old: My current feelings and my current self
"How do you feel about your current self?" is something I often talk about with Marius. He says that understanding who you are and learning to love yourself aren't easy. Right now I'm still on this journey called life (laughs). The Matsushima Sou that I've met along the way is energetic when outside, but fairly quiet at home. I switch between those two modes, and I'm able to hone the way I balance them. In the past there were times when I became pessimistic but lately I've been able to be optimistic every day. I have a lot of 'souvenirs' in my travel bag that accompanies me on this journey (laughs).

4 messages from the other members @Sou

From Nakajima
We'll always be there for you. I want you to be yourself and go at your own pace.

From Kikuchi
You have a strong sense of responsibility, so no matter what you're facing you always give 200% of your energy and tackle things head on, and I truly admire your earnest attitude. But sometimes it's okay to relax and have fun together with the 5 of us!

From Sato
I think you can't help thinking about things because you have a strong sense of responsibility. I want you to take a trip across the ocean in your own way at your own pace. I want to see more of Matsushima Sou's world.

From Marius
Ever since you came back to a fresh start I think you're feeling a little nervous even now. I'll do whatever it takes to relieve your nerves, I'll even pull funny faces. I'll be nervous together with you ♡

translations, matsushima sou, sexy zone

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