Got an apprenticeship at a local dog grooming parlor. No pay yet but the lady owner of the place said she might consider it if I feel I want to stick with the job. It's fun and rewarding and it's puppy dogs man! PUPPY DOGS! Who can pass up cleaning and grooming and massive huggings of puppy dogs?!
Other than that, I am still waiting on a game shop job. The guy that worked on their ebay stuff is heading off to college and they might want me to take over. Woot. Ebay. Woot. Game shop. Sucky hours and most likely sucky pay, but hey it's something!
My moniter is dying. It's all fuzzy and needs constant deguassing every few minutes or so, so it needs replacing badly. I should talk to Markus about that since he has my service papers for the moniter I think. He can get it replaced cause I paid service on the moniter. Good thing I did too cause it's had to be replaced about once per year.
I have pencils!
hicat sent me a nice big box of Prismacolors in exchange for a few pictures of some of her characters. Yay! Good trade considering a picture with three characters in full color is normally around $50 in the artist commission freelance world.
What else can I say about what's been happening lately? Not much really. Can't think of anything... nope nothing. I think my brain is being consumed by Suikoden III goodness and I can't think of what's going on in real life much since I have 108 people to take care of and equip and train and cause strange things to happen to them while advancing the best damn storyline I've ever read about in an RPG. This game just totally rox my sox because it's all about combatting racism and seeing past ones' differences! This game is becoming my ultimate favorite RPG game and I would just die to have a poster of the whole cast on my wall. Hell, I wonder if I could draw the whole cast myself?!
Uh.. maybe not. That is 108 characters and that would take up a few posters. But damn if I pulled it off... whooooboy. O_O