For the greater cause.

Apr 12, 2009 16:27

Amazon Rank.

The Story.

To Whom it May Concern,

As of this writing, I will no longer purchase any product --music, MP3s, or books-- from your firm. This decision will remain in effect until revokes its recent decision to exclude GLBT titles from its All Department search and to remove them from its rankings. I am well aware that your firm claims to currently be excluding these titles on the basis of their "adult" content: funny, I don't recall anything explicit in _Heather has Two Mommies._ Nor do I see adequate evidence that your company is applying this rubric to strip rankings and search-privileges from works of heterosexual erotica which might also be deemed "adult." Plan to remove Susan Johnson from your search? Her work is every bit as explicit as some of the authors you have already targeted; the only distinction is that her work is targeted at a heterosexual audience. Oh: and that she's a popular romance novelist.

I expect a certain amount of discriminatory bullshit from most large firms, but until now I had presumed did not participate in these marginalizing and abusive practices. I hope your firm will reconsider these actions, but until that revocation takes effect, I intend to boycott your service and its subsidiaries, and to encourage family, friends, fellow students and perfect strangers to do so, as well.



If anyone else wants to play along, feel free.


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