Coffee, Essays, And A Scroll Of Acrylic Paintings

Mar 01, 2006 23:28

Uaaah! In the past three days, I've consumed more coffee than I normally would in three months. I'm not a regular coffee drinker, but I needed to stay awake, and thanks to coffee, three essays have been written, and their respective classes salvaged (I think). Not that I was doing bad in any of the classes, but anyway. I do admit, though, that by the time I was writing the third essay, I was in a too-happy-to-care state, which results from pressure, lack of time, and mental exhaustion.
The point is that the essays got written. Yeah...

I also made a scroll of simple arts (made with white wrapping paper and acrylic paint) that is a midterm project for another one of my classes. It's actually due tomorrow, but I got the dates mixed up, and I showed up ready for it yesterday. The teacher's very nice, and he let me get done with the presentation early. I think I must have talked and talked for about 30 minutes. Probably bored everyone out, though nobody would admit to it. The things I talked about came from my heart, though. It wasn't professional or immaculately organized, but at least, it wasn't one of those lame research papers where you get impersonal and distant as far as possible. Plus, I managed to somehow weave one of my greatest topics of interest into my presentation while still staying within boundaries of the guidelines for the project. So I got to talk all I want. Oh yeah, I'm smart.

Maybe the history teacher will have all the exams graded by tomorrow. And in another class, teacher might hand back one of the essays I wrote earlier this week, so I can read teachers' comments and get depressed over the weekend.
As for now, I must have just a little cup of tea, and try to read Ulysses by James Joyce.
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