Rough Drafts

Feb 26, 2006 03:22

Continuation from this post. Rough drafts of fan-arts of Naruto characters in school uniforms.

Sailor-ish little dress for a cute little girl doing a cute pose. I meant this to be little sakura, but didn't carry through with it. I spent a lot of time doing the details on the background, though. The half-circle fence things are something that I randomly recalled from childhood. (Isn't human brain just amazing, sometimes?)

Hinata. At this point I was trying to form a girls' unifrom, preferrably sailor-style. I googled around a bit, and there is an actual unifrom that this one is based on, but to my knowledge, there isn't one exactly like this. The lines on the collar are usually only on the outside, but this one has them on inside and outside. That was actually done by mistake, but I decided to stick with it, since it'd make the design unique.

Naruto is rather short. It's a mistake on my part -- I made him 5.5 heads instead of 6 heads. I didn't fix it, though, because Naruto and Hinata looked cute together. And it's such a bother to redraw things.
1927 is up there because I was watching "Singin' in the Rain." The little doodling at the top is from when I was trying to figure out which side of the jacket the buttons are on.

Slightly scary-looking Neji. I originally meant to have him stnading by the school gate or punishing "bad" students like a drill sergeant. The armband signifies his authority.

Finally, Sasuke, who started this whole thing. Sasuke got a close-up shot, because he was specifically requested. I can't draw like Kishimoto, though, so I traced the face part You can see how light the traced lines are. Usually, my lines are very thick (which is a bad habit). You can also see how much I had to tame Sasuke's hair in order to put a hat on him. Without that hat, it wouldn't look like he was in school uniform, because it's showing only from chest up.

This was supposed to be Ino and Shikamaru on a bike. You can see his hair. But the angle was too difficult for me, so I changed my mind.

I went googling again to look at the very basic structure of bicycle.

I made some progress, but I didn't like the heavy look of the bicycle, and Shikamaru's position was awkward.

I drew a different bicycle and traced Ino from previous draft. Shikamaru had to be drawn form scratch again. By this time, I was sick of drawing these two. I made final adjustments to the bicycle as I was inking it.

I moved onto Chouji, who was so much easier.

Surprisingly, Kiba was pretty easy, and Shino was hard. It was hard to make him not goodfy with an afro, a pair of sunglasse and a hat. Add to that the fact that I can't cover up lower half of his face. I made him turn a little but sideways, and that worked.

I originally intended to have Sakura beating up Lee, and Tenten worrying over him. But that seemed like demonizing Sakura, which I do not want to do. I changed my plans, and now Sakura looks much less violent. After I traced this on drawing paper and before I inked it, I changed Sakura's facial expression to a milder one as well. I'm glad I made these changes.

My Tenten looks so horrible without her forehead protector. Nomatter what I do, she looks like a president of the Mickey Mouse club. T_T


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