Cheesecake Factory Can Doom Your Weekend.

Nov 02, 2005 10:18

Oh, I log into livejournal this morning, and there are new tools I swear they were not there yesterday!
Okay, I havn't updated in a while. Had the craziest friday ever with my friend (involving metro bus, two different versions of the Phantom of the Opera, cheesecake factory, 11 extra people, a rude waiter, and a parking bill). Then I slept in for the most of Saturday -- I don't know why, but I felt incredibly sleepy and I couldn't help myself! I just kept falling back asleep! I got up, ate leftover orange chicken and went back to sleep. I got up, ate chocolate raspberry cheesecake and went back to sleep. I think I must have been depressed...because of the upcoming "workshop" day for my story in Creative Writing class on Monday. The "workshop" went fairly well. Now I have to go back and fix stuff.

Did you know that last month was Breast Cancer Awareness month? My sister's mother-in-law gave a very informative speech on Breast Cancer last Sunday.

Further news on my Navy friend: He still has memory problems, but he is up and walking about, and he has been removed from the emergency room. Overall, things are getting better -- much better compared to the mortal peril he was in two weeks ago. have to say this very, very important thing......

Happy Birthday Hayate! May he be remembered!


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