A Friend Joins The Tenor Section

Oct 26, 2005 23:13

Last night my hostmom' car died on her way home. She called home, and I came to her rescue. Kind of fun, hm? Even though it really wasn't all that far away. I like it when I can get to new places by direction.

I think it was yesterday, too, that I found one of my old document CD's. It had stuff on it, like music, pictures, and other general stuff like that, about things I was interested in a few years ago. Hellsing (gave up on it because it's too creepy), Final Fantasy (saw a friend playing the game, and it was kind of cool...for five seconds), Harry Potter (continuing), One Piece (continuing), Galaxy Angels (discontinued, because there's so little out there), You're Under Arrest (discontinued when the storyline got too heavy, even though the theme songs are cool), and...... dun-dun-dun! Gensoumaden Saiyuki!

I hereby wish to make it clear that I strongly discourage anyone from being involved in the Saiyuki in any way, shape, or form.

I was like, yuck, I used to like this stuff? And stored hundreds of pictures about it? And somehow got a hold of some of the theme songs? And even memorized them so I could sing it in Japanese?
Now I've forgotten the Japanese words and meanings, but I listened to those songs anyway. It brought back memories of the past when I didn't know Saiyuki. And how I was quickly drawn into it (I swear it's all because of that cool, mysterious commercial). And how I would have been better off without it. To be honest, if I had a choice, I would rather not have known Saiyuki at all. Even if that means I would have never come across Strange Dawn, One Piece, Naruto, and many other wonderful things.

It surely frosted this morning.

I havn't heard any news of my Navy friend, but I have a good news about another friend of mine. He was in my class, and he was a great basketball player too. Anyway, he joined us in the church choir practice today. I noticed he's been coming to our church (had he always been coming?), and...well...I don't exactly know what's going on, but he is a good tenor. And we can always use some good tenors. Afterall, Eric was a tenor, too.

Today I finally handed in a 10-page fiction for Creative Writing class! I wore my Phantom shirt for self-assurance. I have to wait until MOnday to hear what my classmates have to say about it. I might need my Phantom shirt on Monday, too. The story's not as tight as I would like it to be, and I'm not sure how other people will read it -- or if they'll understand it at all.

Now if someone could please explain what it means to "find myself",
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