Day 10 - Procrastination Strikes Back

Nov 10, 2004 10:12

This is bad. The NaNoWriMo web site has installed a chat client to provide us NaNos with hours of procrastination fun. Like I need some other way to waste my time. I didn't write one damn word yesterday. Not one. Now, you would think, I was uber-productive in some other way - maybe getting all my work done for my job, or cleaning my house, or some other equally industrious tasks.


I got nothing done yesterday. Nothing. It is only Day 10 and I'm completely burned out. I checked emails, I read forums, I chatted with coworkers...that’s about it. Today I need to get down to business and address issues in my story. And when I say issues, I mean Main Characters who won't hook up with each other.

Yes, we're still on that. They are fighting with each other instead of hooking up. This does make me slightly hopeful that perhaps it's a sexual-tension type of fight instead of a I-hate-your-guts type of fight. I don't know though, I don't see much chemistry happening. Rewrites are going to be bloody.

Funny thing someone said to me: "You control your characters. You can make them do what you want." Ha. Ha ha ha! Obviously this is coming from someone who has never met my muses. I don't control them; it's more the other way around. I have some pretty demanding muses, who tend to be on the temperamental side. He then told me to "smite them." (The main characters, not the muses.) Right. At 20000 words, I'm going to destroy my two main characters. They know I won't do a thing like that, which is why they're misbehaving so badly.

Sigh. Well I suppose I can't put it off any longer. I have to go break up the fight. The story has pretty much written itself up to this point, so I guess I can't complain. But they're right in the thick of things now, and tempers are running high, so I guess this fight was inevitable. Maybe some good will come out of it, who knows?

Anyway, I decided to post a small piece of it every day, so here is today's piece - the first paragraph:

It was a day just like any other. The late September sun cleared the horizon, shining its light on a world that rarely paid attention to such things as sunrises. A crisp breeze rustled the leaves of the lone oak tree in front of the apartment building at 260 Christopher Street. And on the second floor, Aimee Campbell hit the snooze button on her alarm for the third time that morning.

Words Written: 20156 (still)
Percent Complete: 40.31%
Coffee Consumed Today: 0 cup - too lazy to run to 7-11
This Month: 22 cups

Characters I've had to threaten: 2
Characters who've gotten cut from the story: none yet
Major Character Deaths: they're getting close...I mean it...
Minor Character Deaths: 6
Character Hookups: 1/2 (That's all they get for the kiss)
Countries Visited: 3

nano, dragonstone

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