Be Afraid... Be Very Afraid

Mar 11, 2010 11:05

I wanted to work on Spirit of Fire but FeanorMuse is missing, so I said to myself, "Self, you have other stories you can work on, other muses to help you write," and I took out Arandil, Princess of Mirkwood but LegolasMuse was gone too. And then I became very afraid.

MorgothMuse, opportunistic as always, was there to jump in. He started talking about a story set late in the 4th age, in the Blessed Realm, after Legolas sailed West, after Gimli and Frodo and Sam died, when Legolas was overly distraught and came across another elf who was equally bitter, and they seemed to be the only two in the whole of the Blessed Realm who weren't "all happy and la-la-la-lally" (his words - he's fascinated by that phrase for some reason).

I let him go for a while, glad that for the moment he had gotten over his fascination with slashing Beleg/Turin. I began to grow suspicious though, especially since he never mentioned this elf's name. But then he started describing how Legolas and this elf were "growing closer without realizing their feelings."

I stopped him right there.

Me: Who is this other elf?
MorgothMuse: She will introduce herself as Artanoriel or maybe Artanowen.
Me: Cue the anvil...
MorgothMuse: I thought you said you were going to be supportive. Anyway...

So I let him go on, knowing full well who this mysterious elf was and also knowing exactly what kind of carnage there would be if my other muses were around. (Is it considered kinslaying if an elf kills a mortal girl?) Maybe I was angry at my other muses for leaving, so I let it continue. Maybe I was just morbidly curious as to the inner workings of his evil little brain. It's hard to tell for sure.

And then I started to think about it, and if you got past all the "coppery hair"s and "looked longingly"s, it was actually an interesting idea. I can't imagine Legolas would be happy, even in the "Blessed Bloody Realm," after having lost all of his friends. And I'm certain Nerdanel wouldn't be. Everyone else would be partying it up on the Fish HillTM and they would be alone in their misery. Well, not alone. According to MorgothMuse, they would have each other.

I may actually let him go with this one and see where he takes it... Scary.

morgothwrites, museblues

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