(no subject)

Jan 12, 2012 21:55

So, I've spent the evening trying to catch up on comments. For those of you who haven't noticed, I periodically get bouts social-anxiety about comments and prevaricate for days (or weeks or...) over replying. Then a backlog builds up and I panic. I do read and appreciate every comment I get. Seriously, a comment can make a shitty day turn to a wonderful day but I am frankly crap at replying. The discovery that LJ's comment page is even more horrific than I thought isn't helping.

So, on that subject, what do you guys think? Is there a point at which you've left it too late to reply to a comment? Should I not reply if a comment is more than say, a month old? I don't know what the proper etiquette is here and I'm flailing a little.

I have replied to every comment left on fic on Ao3 and every DW/LJ post this year. Beyond that...well, if you have commented on a post or a fic and I didn't reply, then I'm really sorry but I'm probably not going to. I will do my best to answer every comment going forward but for my own sanity I have to draw a line.


What Alec Baldwin doesn't know about Air Travel
- a pilot speaks about cellphones on planes and the realistic risks.

Inspiration vs Imitation - a post on the distinction between the two in the world of art but the general advice also applies to writing IMO.

But I got so damned depressed - a very evocative post on depression and how it really wrecks your day.

In Praise of Foetal Positions, Meltdowns & Uninformed Decisions - while I don't whole-heartedly agree with some of what this writer says, I think the general point of this post stands.

23.5 hours: the single best thing you can do for your health - [Video] with an argument for how to improve health, half an hour at a time.

First Sentences: The FountainHead - Kit Whitfield starts her series of deconstructions on first sentences with Ayn Rand's famous book.

New Cloud Type: Asperatus - A lot of gorgeous pictures of the 'new' cloud type.

Republican Ex-Marine Fights for His Gay Brother's right to marry - This is lovely

Originally posted here Please comment there using OpenID.

um, linkspam, goals 2012, f-list knows all

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