Defiance of Expectations

Nov 09, 2011 18:30

So I'm sitting here at work, working away on my collection, when out of the corner of my eye I see a dressed up college student come to the door. Normally, these well-dressed college students are looking for the career center, hoping to get a job. We are located on the same floor as the career center, but in the other wing; so to help these well-dressed college students, we have put up a sign that says (in big font) 1. that we are not the career center and 2. how to get to the career center. Of course, in putting up said sign, we made a fundamental error: we assumed well-dressed college students could read. That is apparently not true. Every single one of these well-dressed college students walks up, looks at the sign (and, I assume, reads the sign), walks in, and says "excuse me, where is the career center?" (+5 points for politeness, -15 for being dumb). I'm not sure if they just can't read, or if they assume the sign doesn't apply to them (like we'll say "well, for most people, the career center is indeed in the other wing of the building, but 'cause you're such a special well-dressed college student we'll move it over here...just for you!), or if they think that we put things up just for kicks 'cause we're bored, but it is inevitable. They come, they read, they ask. And I roll my eyes (but discreetly, while their back is turned).

However, today, Mercury must be in retrograde, or the testing of the nationwide emergency alert system has apparently made people more inclined to read and pay attention to signs, because I saw just such a well-dressed college student walk up to the door, look at the sign, read the sign, and then go away. I nearly fainted--probably would have if there had been an audience of any sort. It was amazing...I feel better about the future of America. There is at least one well-dressed college student who can read.

And me. I'm definitely a sign-reader. Anything I can do to avoid talking to people and advertising my ignorance.

PS--it happened again! Oh my goodness, what crazy alternate universe have I stumbled into?


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