
Nov 04, 2011 19:55

Please tell me that I'm not the only person in the world who cries at the end of "Toy Story 3".  I didn't even watch the whole thing--just from the midpoint.  But seriously--that scene at the end, where Andy gets all choked up in the car, and then Woody is all "So long, partner"....gets me every time.  After all--everyone has those toys or objects that have been with you forever--and it's emotional to get rid of them, to outgrow them.  Or maybe I'm just tired.  But when I was little, I totally believe my toys had personalities, like if I played with one more than the other, they'd get jealous of each other.  Apparently this isn't as weird an idea as I used to think...or they wouldn't have made a movie about it!

So last night I couldn't get to sleep.  Just was lying there thinking and thinking...When this happened a month ago, I was all worried about student loan debt and how I was never gonna get a job.  Last night I just started thinking about how I only have night classes next semester, so I could apply for full-time jobs.  So I did!  Hopefully I actually get a job. :)
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