Kennedy Center = awesomeness

Sep 25, 2011 20:06

So, last night, I went to the Kennedy Center.  I'd looked on their website to see who was performing at their free Millennium Stage performance, and to my surprise it was a Broadway composer that I really like--Georgia Stitt! So I headed on down there, and I got there early enough to kind-of hear her rehearsing. And to my surprise, guess who was there? Her frequent concert partner and Broadway singer Susan Egan. I'm a huge fan. So it was like two for the price of one, the price being free! It totally made my night. And I had front row seats. The concert was great. It was neat to hear the composer singing some personal songs, like "I Get to Show You the Ocean", or hearing her sing the title track from her cd "This Ordinary Thursday" (which is my favorite song on the cd, by the way). My favorite song though was one from a one-woman show she wrote called "Mosaic". The song was called "You Never Know" and it was gorgeous. Real, and heartbreaking, and just beautiful. I love Georgia's songs--they are just so down to earth and real. And Susan's voice was just lovely. The last song they sang--I don't know the name although I would assume "Stars"--was about a mother's feelings for her daughter and it was beautiful. I loved it. And the banter between the two was just so cute--you can totally tell they are good friends. I was laughing quite a lot. :) Basically, it was fantastic, and I had a great time. At the end, I got them to autograph my piano book and I took pictures with them. They were both really sweet. And of course I was nervous and wasn't very coherent...that's always embarrassing, to be a rational adult and yet get nervous when meeting celebrities you like. *sigh* And the pictures didn't turn out too hot... Oh well. :) But it was a fantastic night.

And the best part?  You can watch the concert here at the Kennedy Center's website!

concert, susan egan, georgia stitt, review

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