It never rains but it pours

Sep 13, 2009 21:30

I guess cliches are cliches for a reason, right?  They're usually pretty true.  Anyways.  So last night, late, we got the call that my maternal grandmother had passed away.  She's been sick for a long time, and they had called us Monday night to tell us that she wouldn't make it through the night, so we'd been expecting this call for a while, although more like Tuesday morning, not late Saturday night.  So what does this mean?  That clearly I shouldn't have been so eager to get Mom and Dad back.  Since we'd just gone out to see the grandparents as a family about a month ago, and since it is the second week of school, only Mom and Dad are going out for the funeral.  It's going to be Saturday or Monday (to give everyone a chance to get into town/into the country), so Mom and Dad are leaving Tuesday and won't be back until the following Tuesday.  And I'm gonna be really petty, but that means our Cedar Point trip is off again (I'm beginning to think we shouldn't reschedule it; people keep dying!), which I'm actually really disappointed about.

All our friends and everyone at church though have been really supportive, even offering to babysit the three year old since work has scheduled me every morning this week and the 15 year old and 17 year old have to go to school.  But I'm hesitant to let anyone babysit the baby, especially those with little kids of their own, cause he's so big and exuberant that he often ends up hurting other kids inadvertently.  And he's still learning how to share, which often results in advertent hitting and/or shoving.  So basically, I'm gonna go into work tomorrow and beg off as many of my shifts as possible (which probably won't be many, because I'm pretty much the only person they have who can open the store), and for whatever shifts I can't get off the kids will take turns staying home.  Oh boy, another week without Mom to calm and soothe the baby; it's gonna be fun.

And I'm gonna be petty again.  The first time in five years I'm gonna be home and with the family for my birthday, and Mom and Dad aren't gonna be home.  I'm really more upset about petty things than I am about my grandmother passing away.  She's been in such pain for a long time that it's hard for me to be sad that she isn't yet continuing to suffer.  And I'd only see her once or twice a year; I don't feel that I've really lost something yet--not seeing her is normal.  At the moment, I'm more upset and worried about the stress and responsibility that's going to come from taking care of everybody (again) for the next 8 or 9 days.  *sigh*  But Mom gets to go and say goodbye; that's the whole point anyway.

life, family

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