
Sep 05, 2009 22:11

Seriously, babysitting one's siblings is quite exhausting.  Best deterrent for single parenthood/pregnancy I know. :)  I figured the three year old would drive me crazy, but I had no idea how exhausting it is to keep the 8 year old and the 10 year old from trying to kill each other.   And holy cow--all the cleaning and housekeeping!  A gabillion loads of laundry, and all the kitchen cleanup, and Saturday morning chores....and the 2 year old discovered where we hid the marbles (and the marble track/things), so we've been stepping on marbles all day and picking them up at least twice an hour.  I am exhausted.

On the bright side, the parents return tomorrow night and can resume their parenting duties!  I am quite anxious to relinquish power. :)

On the anticipatory side, we've rescheduled the Cedar Point trip and bought the tickets and booked a campsite and everything.  *is excited*

random, life, family

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