Computer troubles...Book happiness

Oct 04, 2008 20:42

I don't like viruses.  Or possible viruses.  I think my computer may have a Trojan horse virus/worm/thing, but I'm not sure.  It came up on my Symantec antivirus software as being "quarantined," and who knows what that means.  As far as I can tell, it hasn't done anything and nothing's wrong with my computer (although a few random Internet Explorer windows pop up, but since I use Firefox, I think it's ok, despite the random pop-ups being a symptom of the Trojan horse virus thing).  I did think of trying to uninstall Internet Explorer completely, but apparently Windows doesn't like that, or allow you to do so.  All the things I found required installing Internet Explorer 7 to get rid of Internet Explorer 6, and I didn't wanna do that.  So basically I'm just hoping and praying that nothing is wrong with my computer, and that it hasn't accessed/sent any of my personal info.  Any computer help/advice would be greatly appreciated!

Other than that, these last few days have been nice.  I found a bunch of fun books at a thrift store (including one of my favorite Georgette Heyer novels and one of the last few L. M. Montgomery books I don't have) for cheap, and also a 50 cent VHS copy of the movie "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," which I'm watching right now.  :)  I love that movie--Michael Caine is awesome!  And it's just so funny...never fails to crack me up.  My grammar test on Friday went well, I think, and I have a paper due on Tuesday that I've already written, and so it just has to be proofed and lightly revised.  Hopefully the teacher will like it--but at the moment I don't care if she doesn't.   *maniacal laughter*  :)

And why, oh why, is the only place on the interwebs that has the sheet music for the movie "The Slipper and the Rose" in England, with a price 19.95 pounds?  That's like...a lot of dollars (hey, it's late--leave me alone)  *is annoyed*

Yea, i'm a little crazy tonite....

computer, random, life, school

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