Tony Leung to Put 1905 On Hold

Sep 15, 2012 08:06

With the ongoing disputes between Japan and China over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, the relationship between the two countries have gotten increasingly intense. With anti-Japanese sentiments escalating in recent days, Tony Leung has taken a beating after announcing his participation in the Japanese film 1905. Netizens have condemned him for not having a backbone. Yesterday night, Tony's wife Carina Lau attended a banquet held by the Emperor Group. She expressed that Tony will be putting the film on hold indefinitely. Tony's management company Jet Tone also expressed that he has yet to sign the contract for the film.

When asked whether she's aware of the backlash Tony has received from netizens, Carina responds, "Of course! But it seems like the film was in the works since 2009. The film has been pushed back until now because he hasn't had time in his schedule." With the escalating tension between Japan and China, will he consider stepping down from the project? "I think it will be postponed indefinitely."

Carina believes that reasonable people would not place the blame on the director or the actors. As for netizens calling Tony a 'Han Traitor' and requesting he apologizes? Carina angrily says, "Is that really necessary? I hope people will view the issue more rationally." Tony's management company Jet Tone has issued a statement saying the discussions for the film began back in 2009. However, Tony has not seen the script yet and has not officially signed onto the project.

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: sparkles_n15 @

maeda atsuko, matsuda shota, international celebrity, movie, politics

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