Sep 20, 2006 15:28
Part 2 if you are still even interested. I don’t post often, but when I do I go overboard! Bear with me.
Well I’m sitting at the university with Brendan, Ivan and Dane. We were working hard before IVAN came and bugged us all. Now Brendan’s playing cards and Dane is semi working. I abandoned my statistics homework to try and update. I already wrote a lot, but haven’t been able to post since the stupid wireless is down. I guess I’ll just post in two parts because I don’t know where to LJ cut and I don’t want to do it to the whole thing.
Oh yeah, school started. The best part is I get to see everyone again and even meet some new faces. Also, it gives me a chance to get to know some people even better this year. I have classes from 8:30 - 1:30 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I have my physics lab on Tuesdays then I go to work. I work Thursdays as well. So, pretty much the same schedule as last year, heh.
And, as you can probably tell, I haven’t been following my budget so well... I owe myself so much money. :\ I’m going to have to simmer down for a while until I get back into the right swing of things. Especially since my ‘gas money’ is needed again. With the car broken I kinda got to spend the gas money on other stuff...heh. Also, with Copen moving in I want to make sure my affairs are all in order. It’ll be great having my brother live with me. It’s just nice to come home to someone, ya know? I’m such a little kid in that way I guess.
Oh, did I mention my brother is moving in before this post? Yeah, Copen is getting my mom’s old room. My dad wants to move to the city and I want to keep the house. (Well, more so the property.) Plus, he left and wasn’t living at home for basically a year before everything. He just moved in because my nana didn’t want me alone at the house at the time. So, because I can’t afford to live alone and Copen wants out of his house, he’s moving in! Hopefully we can get one more roommate.
The new Harvest Moon game is out for the DS! I’ve been waiting for this since...well I got my DS! Unfortunately, since I really need to stick to my budget and getting my stuff all sorted I can’t buy it for a while. *sigh* Crapass.
What else is there to tell hmmm... Brendan got his license. So, when I am sick, he can drive my car. W00t! It’s just nice not being the only one who can drive in my carpool. Not that there is much of a carpool left. Nick quit (At least for this year) and Curtis, well he’s not driving with us anymore. But on Tuesdays I go up Fermor and pick up Ivan, Dane and Danny. Yay.
I started up archery again. I’m learning on the recurve bow now. I was pretty good with a compound but decided refresher lessons would be fun. When I got there though, I kinda wanted to try the recurve and they said it was fine. It was so freakin’ fun! I hadn’t used one since high school so I’m a bit off with aim. It’s an instinctive bow, so no sights. Plus my glasses give me double vision so the target is blurry. I will get this by the end, I swear. It’s my goal for the end of October and I think that’s a reasonable amount of time.
OH OH! Brendan and I decided that this year we should dress up as Firefly characters. I’m excited. We’ve decided (and by that I mean I really want it to happen) that Steve should wear a cardboard box with the words “Serenity” written across it. That would make my year. Also, we have Danny as Mr. Universe and Jay as his ‘sex bot.’ ^-^
Excitement all around.
Note: Posted on the 22 because I finally got my internet back! YAY
Love you all!
Ja Ne!