(no subject)

Jun 09, 2006 02:31

Right, so it's been a few days since I've updated. Besides Price Chopper, I've actually been pretty busy...Suppose that's a sin in summer. Ah well, I guess I'll burn in hell. At any rate, I've been working on a javascripting project for a Harvard professor and performing maintenance on someone else's computer. All in all, these jobs pay more than Price Chopper, and I don't have to leave my house. If only I could do it full time *sigh*

Tammy sakurakumagorou came over on Wednesday for Mel Brooks/anime awesomeness. Drew dropped by for History of the World and later as we were finishing part of an anime series. I think we scared him...Ah well, better to be exposed to anime sooner rather than later. It takes some of the sting off it. Problem is, there seems to be an unlimited supply of it. And I have a computer....so a lot of it is at my disposal. Strictly speaking, I'M SO FUCKED! [edit]I watched an E-Surance commercial today and expected them to be speaking Japanese. I was so pissed when I found them speaking English. I thought it was a dub for a second. My brain is going to overload and I'm going to die. I'm sure this kind of illness can diagnosed and treated.[/edit]

Got my check from Price Chopper today. I look forward to Thursdays every week. It's what keeps my lugging carts and smiling as customers try to insert bottles int LCD screens *changes LJ icon* FICA...of course I won't get back ,,|,, but I'll probably get back...ah no one really cares about that.

What people do care about is cherries. Yes, cherries. They sit on a sign that says "We're grillin' tonight!" You can't be serious. Grilling cherries...that was misplaced. Also smelled a skunk on the way home from work...then cordite (I think). Skunk and cordite? Did someone shoot a skunk? I've never had skunk, so I can't really say whether the meat's good or not. But seriously...wtf

Also, I found shirt on thinkgeek: Bow before me, for I am root.

I love it and will buy it, but after father's day so I don't feel guilty about getting it the same time as my dad's gift.

Oh, and Price Chopper is teh suck.
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