Oct 31, 2011 22:02
Tomorrow is Cup Day here in Melbourne and a public holiday. I was looking forward to spending a late night playing Assassin's Creed 2 then a good sleep in and another solid bout of gaming tomorrow.
But my 360 had other ideas.
Not two minutes into the game, the screen froze, forcing me to reboot the console, only to get the dreaded three bar Red Ring of Death. Diagnosis says its the E18 error - CPU failure, cold solder joints.
I'm not happy, to say the least. I've just bought and pre-ordered a bunch of games (haven't received yet - still in the mail) and now my 360 up and dies.
I'm in the unfortunate position where I'm waiting to be paid for last month of work, as well as the six weeks before that (another long and painful story) so I can't do much about my console until I get paid.
I've already found a semi-almost-not-dodgy place near here that does 360 RROD repairs. So its either that or $450 for a 360 Slim and a HHD transfer cable.
At least my game saves and downloaded content is safe. I'd be gutted if I lose those. The hardware can be replaced, the game saves are priceless.