Title: Blush
Focus: Takenouchi Sora from Digimon Adventure
Owner: Josephine (
http://sora.venus-avenue.net/ You should visit this shrine because...: After hearing the Digimon Adventure series mentioned, many of you will become misty-eyed at childhoods long past. Or perhaps that's just sad old me. "Blush" is a massive dedication to Takenouchi Sora from Digimon Adventure and a breathtaking example of shrine making at its finest. Although it has been close to a decade since the series debuted, "Blush" continues to be an exciting resource for both new and old fans alike. After flipping through even one or two sections on the shrine, why this is so becomes quite clear. The key to its ongoing validity is its foundation in epigrammatic articles that carefully balance the subjective and objective.
"Blush" is absolutely bursting with facts, translations and important notes about Sora as a character. These elements are balanced by a strong focus on Josephine's personal interpretations and opinions. This careful blend between fact and interpretation means that no facet of "Blush" feels dull or unreadable. Every article -large or small- exposes something new for the reader to think about, to question. It's a terribly insightful, enjoyable shrine that takes a deeper look at a character many will still fondly remember from their childhoods. "Blush" isn't simply a written experience though, and fans will be equally impressed with the goodies available to visitors. My one complaint? There aren't more shrines like this one, in the Digimon fandom or otherwise.
Highlight: I rather liked the "Other" subsection, in which Josephine analyzes various aspects of Sora in her own unique way. Grab a coffee and enjoy a stimulating read.