Title: The Raven
Focus: Isayama Yomi from GA-REI/GA-REI-zero-
Owner: Samantha (
http://yomi.ghost-lights.org/ You should visit this shrine because...: GA-REI is a solid shounen manga series with a decidedly small fanbase despite the release of a darkly moving prequel anime series (GA-REI-zero-) last year. Isayama Yomi is a character in both, a girl driven by various circumstances to take on a mantle of doom. It is clear from the very first article here that Samantha revels in the compelling beauty and tragedy in Yomi's story. Her written content is deftly composed to express the various nuances of Yomi as a character, both in the anime series and in the original manga storyline. Yomi isn't a straight-forward persona to examine and it would be easy for someone with less devotion and skill to slap together a few paragraphs about how "cool" she is and call it quits. Samantha expresses so much about the various facets of Yomi that it's impossible not to get caught up in her well composed analyses.
Samantha's devotion to representing Yomi encompasses not just articles, but stunning galleries as well. Some expensive and gorgeous merchandise has been shared here and it's wonderful to see a shrine owner working so hard to give fans a taste of the media from this under appreciated series. There's also a great variety of graphics too, for those seeking icons or wallpapers.
"The Raven" is an inspirational example of how impressive shrines to lesser known (and lesser appreciated) characters can be. Samantha gives us Yomi's world on a platter, lined with eloquent compositions and indulgent media. Even if you aren't a fan of the GA-REI franchise, there's plenty here to inspire.
Highlight: "A Tragic Heroine" which analyses Yomi as a potentially tragic heroine (in the traditional sense.) Exploring an anime/manga character using a Shakespearean structure is riveting in itself, Samantha's delivery makes it even more enjoyable.