Jan 08, 2009 15:23
I hate romance novels.
I really have no idea why I read them.
Alright, that's not true - I read them because every so often I need something lulzy and cliche to read and laugh at. It always ends up being either cheap novels or mediocre fanfic. Clearly, I have some sort of masochistic streak. Because I read these books for the brain-breaking badness of them. Generally, I can find amusement in them -- sometimes I can't.
The book I just borrowed from a friend of mine is a case of where I can't.
Mostly because, a large portion of the main characters' relationship is centered around feminism and equality between partner's, except that... the girl never shows any spine. She has a few moments of "token resistance", but that's it. She would supposedly do anything for her brother, even give up her own life. Then, at the very end of the book, instead of going with her man to save her brother, she gives him all of her strength and lets him go do the job. She only argues with him for a moment, and then he lays down the law and she does absolutely bloody nothing.
Way to stand up for yourself, Ms. Feminism.
Although this did remind me of a fun night years and years ago, when a couple of my friends and I flipped through about twenty romance novels belonging to my friend's grandma and read each other choice bits of hilarity.
I had a knack for flipping them open straight to the sex. ;D
wtf feminism,