Submerged in vectors!

Jul 14, 2005 18:58

Who said that Summer was a quiet season for designers? Design work comes in waves, everybody knows it. We just can't predict when the next one is going to hit our beach...
Every Spring the work gets slow and we get lazy, some days we don't work at all (very rarely but it happens) and it's heaven! Suddenly, when we are getting confortable with the dolce fare niente, we are submerged again.

It's been like that for me, lately. Luckily, I've been enjoying it! I was allowed to enter the realm of illustration and it' is SO FUN to draw all day and get payed for it! I promise to post some of my drawings when they are all done...

I also decided I should write more, and joined a RPG story on a friend's board. When one has little free time this is not a smart thing to do, so my poor Lj is being neglected once more.... * sigh*
The fictional writing is very fun but it's also in English. I did nothing of the sort, except for this so-called journal, so it's also very difficult, I know my limitations and I don't want to make a mess, so I write very slowly, constantly submitting my text to annoying spell-checks. In result, I now make almost no orthographic mistakes, but I still have to work on other idiomatic expressions I keep failing to apply...
I learn a lot from others... in fact, the people are the main reason for my new hobbie. There are amazing people on the Internet, I wonder where they hide in real life...

All this to say I'm still here, very busy, but here. And yes, I'm reading everyone's journals... I just don't have time to comment!
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