Apr 13, 2005 16:34
Some time ago, my best friend and I, won a competition for the graphic direction of a magazine for young people sponsored by the city of Almada(across the river from Lisbon,and also the place where I live).
The magazine comes out every season and we really enjoy doing it for we can do pretty much what we want, and that is such a gift to a designer! We are now preparing the spring season issue and we will have an enterview with the portuguese band of the moment, Da Weasel. Although they are not my kind of band i always liked their music, a bit Hip-hop mixed with pop, and I've been following their career closely because they are from Almada too. I remember when the lead singer used to catch the same boat I did and now I'm just proud he made it to the Rome MTV Awards... Bla, bla, bla... moving forward...
Well, last night I was asked to join the reporter and the photographer at the enterview and I met the boys!
They are very nice and I think even a bit shy... but the best thing was the warm feeling of being part of a project, a team! I felt like going home and start working at once but my good intentions were spoiled the minute I turned the TV on, which is a rare think for me to do. Sex and the City was on and I haven't watched that particular episode...