Jul 10, 2003 06:18
I'm still soaring from yesterday. It was the first attempt to feed Sage, my Snow Corn. And it went off without a hitch! She is still in her hide sleeping her meal off. After all the trouble I had with feeding Eden I was worried this one would be difficult to, but she ate with no avil.
I get my first apt today for therepy. I feel good about going. Maybe I can finally deal with all those issues that are buried in my mind. I have been in a much better mood lately, almost like my old self.
My and Justins anniversary is coming up soon. Its hard to believe we have been together as long as we have. I'm talking from the first encounter. The first time I talked to him and we connected like I had never connected with anohter person. I remember, I was laying on the bed talking to him and we had an amazing conversation before that. And I just blurted out, "One of these days you will love me". Maybe I had fallen for him then, maybe somehow in my heart I knew. But I knew also we couldnt be together, not the way I wanted, because we were both tied to other people. He has stood by me so many times. Through all the fucked up shit that has happened to me online and real life. He has been there. Ok, I didnt mean this to go off on a Justin rant, sorry.
I may be able to pick up my other Albino in a week or so. I talk to Sarah every few days and she says the lil one is doing great. She is still being force fed and even when i bring her home I will have to behead the pinks to let her eat them. She is so tiny, I can not believe the fucking pet store sold me a hatchling for a 6 month old. I mean I had not problem with her being so young, BUT it would have been nice to know so i could have cared for her properly. I mean everytime I went to pick her up a pink I was telling people, "Oh give me one a 6 month old can eat". So, they would bring them too big for her.
I didnt get much sleep last night so I'm slightly dazed right now. So i think I'm going to close this. Oh, remember my new mailing list guys for you out there who might be interested in reptiles. So for NO ONE has joined ::huffs;; Ok, I'm gone, see you all later.