
Mar 06, 2007 20:49

Rating: NC-17. Not all Rayne, or all hetero.
Disclaimer: Maybe they can be mine in the next lifetime...
Here there be smut, I suppose...

He was on top of her, sucking spots along her neck up to her ear and making her squirm insistently beneath him. He chuckled and took her hand, placing it squarely on his hard shaft. Making her jack him gently and asking her, "this what you want, darlin'? Feel this goin' in and out of that hot, tight, little ji bai? C'mon...I know ya want it - can feel how wet y'are. C'mon baby- tell me."

She looked up into blue eyes that glowed in the dark. "Oh, ta me de, Jayne - I want it. Fuck me!"

He'd driven into her then, no pretense, no more foreplay, and he kept riding her harder, relishing her cries. He hooked both of her long legs up on his broad shoulders and pounded into her, his balls striking her rhythmically while she thrust against him. She could feel him rubbing that spot deep inside with his cock, and she gave one final scream as she came so hard she cried in his big, strong arms.

Zoe woke dazed and sweating. She chalked it up to two things: 1) Jayne was a lot of things, but hard on the eyes wasn't one of 'em, and 2) sometimes it was just too gorram painful to think of Wash.

She rolled back over, a tiny smile on her lips. And dreamed on...wasn't like Jayne was ever gonna know.


Mal, lying next to Inara, began to moan in his sleep. Inara woke and looked at him quizzically, noting the movement of his hips. She smirked at her power over him, and rolled onto her other side.

Mal, on the other hand, didn't have the slightest thought of Inara at the moment. He was kissing Jayne hard, right on those lips the merc said no one got to touch. Squeezing strong shoulders, that hard chest...Hands groped, mouths panted, hard pricks rubbed against each other. By the end of the dream, he had Jayne on his stomach, throaty groans issuing from him while Mal took his pleasure.

"Huh." Mal figured it was the rotgut he'd had after dinner. For all the visions goin' through his head, and some were damn pretty, he had to admit, not one featured the Companion.


For Simon, it was a hard, dominating fuck in the infirmary (where else?) - Jayne had him bent over one of the beds, telling him everything he wanted to do that pretty rich-boy mouth, everything he was gonna make Simon do to him, pumping into the younger man until Simon passed out. When he opened his eyes, Kaylee didn't look quite so shiny anymore...


Kaylee, for her part, was having Jayne in the engine room. She was giving as good as she got, until they came together. It was so real she could taste the sheen of sweat on his skin as she licked his neck, feel a soft growl in her ear.


All of this made for a very quiet breakfast the next morning, when the man made an appearance, and dream world crashed right the hell into reality.

"What in god's balls's wrong with ya'll? Gettin' all kindsa funny looks this morning, ain't no one talkin'. Whatever it was, I didn't do it!" At least, he thought he hadn't...had he? His track record, it was tough to know sometimes. Well, hell. Wait an' see if anyone called him out on somethin'.

River entered the mess, and eyed the crew pensively. Taking a deep breath, she softly offered her take on what had happened: "Perhaps some of my desire spilled over somehow, and you experienced it. I am so sorry about that. Too much pent-up energy." Eyes refused to meet hers, and she heard a few discreet coughs.

"What desire? Girl, what are you goin' on about?"

She blushed prettily, casting a sideways glance at the object of her affection. "I have wanted you now for some time, Jayne. After reading the crew, I get the distinct impression you were the star in more than one dream last night."

"No go se? Really? Was I good?" Better have been, he thought darkly.

Simon pursed his lips, and addressed his sister. "Mei mei, if I understand you right, you're saying these dreams could continue unless or until your...interest is satisfied?"

She nodded sadly, and looked at Jayne.

"Aw, hey. You sayin' you wanna get sexed up? I mean, I'd love ta. Been thinkin' on ya ever since the Reavers, but these folks'd kill me if I did anythin'."

Five voices shouted "GO!!!" in unison.

River held out her hand, and led Jayne away to his bunk.

Perhaps someday she'd tell them that after Miranda, she had learned to send thoughts as well as receive, and had the skill quite well-honed by now. It was unfortunate that she'd had to put them through those visions, but it was the only way she could have her man without repercussions from Mal & Co.

All's fair in love and war.
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