Spider Dreams return.

Dec 19, 2009 01:36

A HA! This marks my half assed return to Live Journal. Huzzah. Apparently China is so busy blocking all kinds of other websights now (including those they agreed not to) That they have decided to let up on LJ. So...




The last dream that I had... that I can remember at this time was a day or so ago and it was really disturbing. I guess that is why I remembered it.

Though I don't remember alot of detail.

What I remember is standing in the driveway of the house where I lived with my Aunt and my parents when I was three. (there it is again... jeeze I dream about that house alot it's so friggen weird...) Anyway,

I was standing there as a white car started up and got ready to blast off and drive away at top speed and I ran after it and screamed out to the driver to, "HEY stop!"

It paused momentarilly and the windows rolled down and two heads poped out on either side.

One was my Dad and the other was Xzedd.

This confused me.

I said to them both... what are you doing? Where are you guys going?!? That was when I noticed Catrina sitting blank-faced in the back seat... and I really began to wonder what the hell was goin on.

They both said almost simultaniously that they were leaving...

& I was like... WHY? What the hell are you leaving for?
& WHAT is Catrina doing leaving with you?

& Again almost simultaniously... almost comicly.. like a cartoon or something... They both said that they were leaving because of my mom, & that she was a tottal bitch.

I was like, What the hell... When did you both come to THIS conclusion and WHAT exactly quantifies her as a tottal bitch. I mean, I would normally be the first to agree with you on this point but I have my reasons and I wouldn't normally just storm off with the intention of forever.

They both quoted something she just said to them and sait they'd had it with her.

At this point I was so confounded at the nonsensical lack of reasoning that I just turned on catrina and just said straight to her, ignoring them... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THAT CAR?

She just shrugged and gave me a look of... I dunno...

It was obvious that she'd just followed them like a brainless lemming. So I tried to provoke some thought in her...

I said; What has Nana ever done to YOU to deserve you treating her like this? She shrugged her shoulders again and I told her to get the hell out of the car. She did.

I sent her back up to the house and they started bitching at me again so I turned on them both and just said, You know what, it's true that she may be a bitch sometimes but neither she, or anyone else who is at least a halfway decent person trying to make things better in life is anyone who deserves to be walked out on and treated in this way. But you go ahead and do what you wanna do cowboys. Head out their into the wild blue yonder and free yourself of all the 'bitches' of this world. Hope you enjoy your own company and kind.

And I turned and walked into the house and that was it, that was the whole dream.
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