
Nov 21, 2008 03:16

So I was greeted by a post in breakerz about this when I checked my friends page today.

While I'm not feeling as indignant as the other commenters over there, the factual inaccuracies in that article are staggering. Virtually all of the writer's descriptions of Daigo's career are off, or just plain wrong.

and he's not really a rock star

Wait, what. I thought he was the frontman of a popular rock band. Or are those CDs in the rack next to me an illusion?

For a decade before that, Daigo struggled to make it in the world of visual-kei, a rock subgenre whose musicians dress like manga characters and play sweetened heavy metal. He fronted a group called Jzeil (pronounced "jail") and recorded an album written and produced by superstar Kyosuke Himuro, but nothing came of it. As soon as he revealed that he was the grandson of one of the most notorious "dons" of the Liberal Democratic Party, however, offers for television work poured in.

No, no, and... NO. He's been at it for nine years. TOTAL. He was never in a visual band. JZEIL was a glam rock band. They hung out with the visual kids because they didn't have a place anywhere else.

And then of course, there's the obligatory faulty description of visual kei. I'm not exactly sure where he got that particular impression about it, unless all he's seen are pictures of Malice Mizer and PLC.

Himuro wrote one song for him. ONE. That does not equate to an entire album. Hell, he didn't even write an entire single for him. Regardless, there's absolutely no way in hell that he would have gotten that kind of endorsement if he was as talentless as this writer would have his readers believe.

And what of his current career? The way this paragraph ends, you'd think he wasn't in a band anymore. Last time I checked, "singer" was still his day job. And if those television jobs have been pouring in, he must be rejecting an awful lot of them, seeing as he's only just now accepted a role on a drama.

I would wager that he decided to put this information out there because his band contains two musicians (himself and Akihide) who are not exactly industry darlings, and he knew it was going to be fuck-all hard for them to get anywhere otherwise. I'm sure they weren't interested in getting burned again, and I'm sure the labels weren't exactly beating down their door to sign them.

But speaking of BREAKERZ-


I never, ever thought I'd have that to say, but it's the truth. He's like everyone's Goddamned friend on mixi these days, and his blog sucks. All the cute little anecdotes about his day to day life are gone, and he's just posts about the last live, or whatever other shit he's doing professionally. Basically it's got the seal of "trying too hard" all over it. When I finally caught up on it a few months ago, it left a bad taste in my mouth and I haven't checked it since. I think out of the six months or so of entries I read, there were about two that I actually enjoyed, and actually reminded of me of why I liked him. I also didn't finish his birthday card.

And I don't honestly care.

Honestly I am kind of pissed off about the mixi thing, because I was terrified of trying to friend him because I assumed he'd be all "lol no" about that kind of thing and I didn't feel like offending him or embarrassing myself.

I think I would probably be more interested in BREAKERZ if Akihide wasn't involved and was still living in fairytale land. If it was just a Daigo project, and some one else was involved, it would be great. Daigo going the commercial route works for me, even if I do miss his solo work. He's still the same Daigo he's always been, just less sparkly.

Akihide isn't. He's so distant, and the things that I enjoyed about being a fan are gone. I may have made fun of his overly romantic attitude about life, but it was genuine, and it was endearing as hell. It makes me really sad that he feels like he needs to hide that, or at least be less obvious about it; I never thought he'd be so desperate for acceptance that he would. But it's not completely out character for him to think that way, I guess. As awful as it sounds, I'm kind of hoping he'll get tired of it, be as fickle about BREAKERZ as every other thing he's ever done, and move on to something else.

Also: Holy shit, he and Makoto aren't mixi friends anymore. I'm curious as to the circumstances of that. Makoto is, however, still friends with YOKO. 8D

Also also: what the fuck is with people on mixi incessantly checking your profile after you check theirs?

mixi, breakerz, akihide, wtf, daigo, fairy fore, never land, fail, makoto

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