May 04, 2010 19:18
Well first day back at work after my extra long weekend and I have to admit that I have felt better. The day itself wasn't that bad, but now I'm this side of my team switch date I'm feeling a lot more apprehensive about it. I'm guessing my diet hasn't really helped matters, but to be honest I can't be bothered to cook a lot of the time. I'm hoping to change my habits after I get back from Scotland {after my mum's cooking helps me back on the right track again}.
I really shouldn't be as nervous as I am about just switching teams. After all, it's not like i'm having to move halfway around the country. Then again, like I said, change and me don't really mix all that well. I suppose the fact that I'm not going to be meeting my new team leader until Friday isn't helping matters. I know I will feel a lot better once I've met her and she's been made aware of the requirements Nicky put in place for me. Until then, however, I just need to put up with the sicky feeling in my stomach and manage to get through the next couple of days. My mum getting her own netbook will help matters since she'll be able to skype me whenever she wants now. I just need to get her to tell me her username first since I've long forgotten mines ^^;.