
Dec 20, 2009 09:09

This is the TEST shipment you asked for

  • 11:28 Vintage flame war. Sort of. #
  • 12:16 Almot tempted to apply for a job at facebook... #
  • 12:25 I want a cigarette but it is toooo fucking cvooooold out thetre to go have one. bah. #
  • 13:08 Spacemonger <3 #
  • 13:18 @ chromeskinjesus Guess you're big in Japan! #
  • 13:56 @ almadsfeika despie the claims to the contrry, I have yet to see snow in Dublin... #
  • 14:36 @ chromeskinjesus you are always on the air,,, i feel vaguely envious because I hate being stuck in one place all the time :I( #
  • 14:57 My super-eclectic score on is 682/1000 - I feel like I fail.. #
  • 15:13 @ chaosandterror maybe... *grin* wonder what would happen if I did that. I'd be rid of the annoying russian for one, and a lot of metal :P #
  • 15:55 to order delivery or not to ordr delivery? hard question.. but then again, looks like i ican actually take my time to get ready at home... #
  • 16:25 @ m3g0ra ewwwww. :( #
  • 16:38 @ qikipedia Dominion #
  • 18:00 Going to go showe adn do my hair. wanna bet my hir turns pink? it is like... doooomed to be pink forever and ever. #
  • 18:23 I WANNA GO HOME. #
  • 18:46 @ sinsect I think I'm worse with Cure, Front242,Apop, dM, Covenant, FLA, Combichrist, Echo & the Bunnymen, Sisters of mercy and VNV nation.. #
  • 19:35 Owwww. That cut on my foot is moar painful than i thought.... #
  • 20:02 I'm not going down on my knees begging you to adore me... #
  • 21:02 .... Hate this whole getting ready bs on nigjts like this, #
  • 21:36 @ _caustic_ it's an amazing feeling, innit? :D #
  • 21:37 Omw to Dominion... worrying just a little bit about everything. #
  • 22:19 Jagerbomb promotion. The ara is getting bombed. #
  • 03:14 I fail so hard. so fucking hard. #
  • 03:53 Me sleep nao. Hugs for the ara who had 10 jagerbombs in 3 hours? #
  • 07:09 @ survivor_x Wish I had time for a hangover... thanks *hugsback* #
  • 07:12 yay woring gain.... #
  • 07:14 In the mood to wrie lyrics.. #
  • 07:22 Cold, upset and tired. yay for workings! #
  • 07:34 @ chaosandterror sounds like fun! Not. :P #
  • 08:25 @ chaosandterror :( #
  • 08:26 mmm, I have tty and nutritious oole wave invites. Are people still fighting over these ? #google #wave #googlewave #
  • 08:50 @ chaosanterror i think @bunnyman said it best already. :/ #
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