
Dec 20, 2009 09:09

This is the TEST shipment you asked for

  • 16:59 @ conorelmo if you do dye, don't do that stupd two-tone hipster trim that is so fucking 5 minutes ao :P #
  • 16:55 @ conorelmo good luck! :D and if ou do have that uc ime, yeah def gt your hair done. #
  • 16:51 @ conorelmo I would say smart casual with a hint of an edge - keep the tie loose, do the Doctor thing with converses and suit-y trousers :P #
  • 16:42 @ conorelmo you can't go wrong with black. #
  • 16:06 @ m3g0ra you coming to Dominion tonight? you get to see the disaser that is my hair :P #
  • 15:55 @ faderhead Makes me wish I had any time off left at that point - or, money for the matter! - to hop over to see that! :P #
  • 09:50 So ok, maybe e-mail later. but id jsut 3 weeks worth of QA. *shudder* #
  • 09:06 Ok, jsut did abulk of todayä's workload... next part, e-mail! #
  • 08:56 @ chaosandterror good luck... #
  • 08:30 @ sinsect Ireland is... Ireland XD I have been here for 3 years and therefore am allowed to mock the hell out of it. #
  • 08:29 @ chaosandterror that just means whoever you need to hit on the head repeatedly will be close by, right? #
  • 08:25 @ chromeskinjesus going with him means no chan of visiting sister. In fac, might use that as an excuse to get him to come along! #
  • 08:25 @ ChromeSkinJesus I will be making decisions in January most likely. Tbh if I can perduae a friend from here to go with me, I will go even if #
  • 08:23 @ sinsect but if you ever came here, boy could we freak out the natives. Never saw anything like that in Ireland! :P #
  • 08:21 @ sinsect It's just not my thing. I am more into being tenderized than hung, to use meat related analogies :P #
  • 08:15 @ chromeskinjesus cause i will never hear the end of it if I am on the same continent as they are and not make the effort to go visit. *sigh* #
  • 08:15 @ ChromeSkinJesus the problem is that if I do Kinetik, I will be forced to do a family visit too, in Seattle. which burns monies and tiem. #
  • 08:13 @ sinsect I'm highly impressed. *grin* I cold never do that, and not just cuz I'm too fat for that :P #
  • 08:08 @ sinsect that you or you jsut tryin to shock my delicate sensibilities? :P #
  • 08:08 am reminded of the fact that i am rather angry that Aeshetic Perfection was one of the bands that was overshadowed by booze at #WGT. *sad* #
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