Yes, I cried

Jan 20, 2009 15:55

So proud. Great speech, great moments, great history in the making. YES. WE. CAN!

And to think it all started for me for real when I heard his speech announcing his candidacy. He never, ever let me down. And I believe he won't.

barack obama, politics

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Comments 10

ex_miss_pru January 20 2009, 21:07:30 UTC
Oh, you're not alone. I bawled my eyes out. Kept forgetting I'm not American.


(The comment has been removed)

ex_miss_pru January 20 2009, 22:18:43 UTC
Well, considering the rest of the world gets to hate Bush, we also get to love Obama. Never thought the day would come when I envied America its head of state, but boy do I now. I suppose Britain isn't generating a lot of its own hope so we try to pinch yours.


postverta January 20 2009, 21:13:07 UTC
It was an inspiring speech :D Great man!


arabian January 20 2009, 22:12:10 UTC
It truly was an amazing speech.


the_lucky_stars January 20 2009, 22:10:01 UTC
I loved it. Humbling ceremony. And it was fascinating to go back and read your post on candidacy - especially the "I’ve been there long enough to know that the ways of Washington must change," with the change theme popping up right from the beginning.


madeelly January 20 2009, 23:29:54 UTC
Although I don't agree with all of his politics (he's a conservative Democrat, I'm a lefty radical), I do think he will be very, very good for our country. And I believe him when he says that we can fix our country and make it better, together. He's such a leader and I really admire him for it. Plus, he wrote his own speech, which in politics is like O_o.

I didn't cry, but I still can't get over the fact that we have President Obama.


arabian January 21 2009, 02:00:06 UTC
I do think he will be very, very good for our country. And I believe him when he says that we can fix our country and make it better, together.
That's the key word: TOGETHER. I love so much that he's encouraging us to come together to make America the great land it truly can be, in that way he is inspiring us in the best way possible because he's challenging us to challenge ourselves.

His speeches are amazing. In just a few years, he's already delivered a handful of history-will-remember great speeches.


theyellow_daisy January 20 2009, 23:45:35 UTC
It's been SUCH a great day thanks to Obama. I cried too; I'm so proud.


arabian January 21 2009, 02:00:31 UTC
Yes, yes, yes!!!!


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