Yes, I cried

Jan 20, 2009 15:55

So proud. Great speech, great moments, great history in the making. YES. WE. CAN!

And to think it all started for me for real when I heard his speech announcing his candidacy. He never, ever let me down. And I believe he won't.

barack obama, politics

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Comments 10

OBAMA! leosgreens January 21 2009, 08:58:42 UTC
I watched as soon as I got home from work until about 1:30. It was fantastic. I especially enjoyed the flubbing of the oath by Roberts and (sorry, I know this isn't very "together"y of me, but) the booing of Bush and the singing, "Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, GOODBYE!" by the crowd at various intervals and when Bush boarded the aircraft. I had a teensy twinge of *almost* feeling sorry for him, but then I came to my senses. I had to turn it to FOX briefly to see their reactions and was amused to hear someone snark that the speech had nothing in it that "should be etched in granite". Sour grapes!!


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