I said I would update if I wasn't playing Alpha Centauri. Well, I haven't started that game because I have been too busy doing fun and social things. And baking buns that I came up with in a dream. Mmmm dream cakes. (chocolate orange cup cakes. omnomnom)
This weekend me and
ar_boblad went to see his parents. We rocked with Guitar Hero, played Ghost Stories, ate lots of food and did cryptic crosswords. We completed two crosswords, but ended up with an answer that we can't fully explain. Lazywebs, please explain the cryptic logic!
After a duck, go to catch a mammal (5)
The letters we had (highlight to view): O _ _ _ Y
The answer (highlight to view): OTARY
Other info: We can explain the after a duck being the O, and mammal is OTARY, which as we all know is a genus of seal.