Правовое положение православных русинов в ВКЛ и РП

May 19, 2012 21:07

За неимением исследований, которые бы с должной тщательностью рассматривали этот важный вопрос, я собрал выписки из нескольких книг.

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Национальная Империя, Великое княжество Литовское

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aquilaaquilonis August 22 2012, 17:56:07 UTC
"А уж про московское оружие и доспехи 15-17 вв, которые вообще практически калька с османских, тимуридских, татарских и кавказских образцов вам любой специалист-оружейник подтвердит"

Польское и литовское оружие и доспехи 15-17 вв. вообще практически калька с османских, тимуридских, татарских и кавказских образцов:




Like most other items of male Polish national apparel, the delia was of eastern origin and the word itself came to Poland in the mid-16th century from Turkey.

Kontusz (pronounce /'kɔntuʃ/) is a type of outer garment worn by the Polish and Lithuanian male nobility (szlachta). It became popular in the 16th century and came to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth via Hungary from Turkey.

Pas kontuszowy ("kontusz sash") was a cloth sash used for compassing a kontusz (a robe-like garment). Like the rest of Polish national dress, the kontusz sash was of eastern origin. Initially such sashes were imported from Persia and Turkey.

Żupan (pronounce /'ʒupan/) was a long, often colourful male garment worn by szlachta (Polish class of nobility or gentry) in the Polish Kingdom and later in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The name has origins in Italian word giuppa (gown) which in turn comes from Arabic. Only gradually it became a lighter garment to be worn underneath the Bekiesza, Delia, Kontusz, Ferezja, Szuba and Burka, while the belt became a colourful affair.

The szlachta's prevalent mentality and ideology were manifested in "Sarmatism," a name derived from supposed ancestors of the szlachta, the Sarmatians. This belief system became an important part of szlachta culture and affected all aspects of their lives. It enshrined traditional village life, peace and pacifism; popularised oriental-style apparel (the żupan, kontusz, sukmana, pas kontuszowy, delia); and made the scimitar-like szabla, too, a near-obligatory item of everyday szlachta apparel.

...современники утверждали, что воинов ВКЛ нельзя отличить от турок, один этот факт наглядно свидетельствует о том, что общество было открыто восточным влияниям, противопоставленным западным.


И т.д., и т.д., и т.д.


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