Hi kids...did you miss me?

Jul 04, 2008 10:48

Hello Livejournal! oh, how I've missed you. How I've longed for time to actually spend perusing your flists, instead of just clicking fest fics.

But I'm back. I have one wedding down and one to go, but this one is a quick trip...all the family has already been here and gone home. I've had a lovely trip with some amazing fandom friends...it was bloody brilliant.

But now I'm home, and settling back in to the routine. The suitcases are unpacked, even if the laundry isn't all put away, and the girls are their normal selves again. And I went back to skip=420 on my flist before I gave it up. So, if I've missed anything big, lmk.

I am still behind on my fest reading...I have beltane, animagus and as/s fics to read, but the list is steadily getting smaller, thank goodness.

Okay, about writing. I've haven't been doing any. Between beltane and R/S games, as well as so many fics to read, family visits and trips out of the country...oh, not to mention adding a new fandom (see icon) I've been a bit overwhelmed.I'm hoping to get writing again soon, but I make no guarantees. I still have rl to contend with. Darn rl anyway.

Okay, so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to finish up this babble and then post my beltane fic...for anyone who missed it/didn't have time to read it since it's another monster fic can check it out. I hope you will and comments would be nice...it got buried by circumstance during the fest, so I'm hoping more people will have time to read an almost 40,000 word fic.

Not me though...I'm too giddy over the upcoming Doctor Who finale. One more sleep...how will I cope?  lol


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