
Oct 11, 2006 15:38

Alright, all done. I can’t believe I’ve had time to finish this and post it today, after the past 5 days of having almost no time, it’s a bit unnerving. Here it is though. Hopefully I’ll be able to pull another chapter of SS out of my head tonight too. *snuggles my flist*

Title: Claiming (7)

Rating NC-17

Summary: Harry goes home to Draco.

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confession series

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Comments 24

chyldofeternity October 11 2006, 23:47:09 UTC
Yay!! Amazing and incredible! I loved it! Ohhh it was such a good ending but at the same time I can't help but wonder how things will go with Ronald >.< silly stubborn man!!

Just one little thing I noticed:

I just don’t know. I don’t know if I should be happy that we fit so well together, that you’re more like me than I ever thought, or pissed that I’ve lost something I can never get back. I just don’t know. I don’t know if I should be happy that we fit so well together, that you’re more like me than I ever thought, or pissed that I’ve lost something I can never get back. You may not regret it, but I do. I regret a lot of things, but losing the chance to be close to you? I can’t help but regret it, Harry.”You have the same sentence at the begging repeated. The I just don't know part and it's following sentence is there twice o.o I wasn't sure if you meant for it to be like that, with Draco being flustered and just overwhelmed so much that he repeated himself, or if it's an added couple of words that snuck in o.o it it's right then ( ... )


chyldofeternity October 11 2006, 23:47:34 UTC
Ooo and yay for first comment! *dances*


aquila_star October 12 2006, 00:23:30 UTC
Thanks for noticing...actually, lj has been acting up for me...and I've noticed it elsewhere too. *shakes fist at lj*

Thanks! Poor Ron. I think Hermione knows he'll come around, but how long?


chyldofeternity October 12 2006, 00:24:37 UTC
*sidles up to you and snuggles* Does that mean your adoring fans can look forward to another chapter?? *bats eyes at you...but so can not pull off that look so settles for begging with promise of candy?*


(The comment has been removed)

aquila_star October 12 2006, 04:53:41 UTC
Thank you very much. *gives you a cookie*


anonymous October 12 2006, 05:13:30 UTC
Damn it. I was so hoping for top!Harry... :(
Anyway, looking forward for more. With same hope. :)



aquila_star October 12 2006, 06:03:52 UTC
I am very big into top!Harry, trust me, but this just needed to be Draco, yk? It's likely it won't happen again, in this fic anyway, Draco is lazy and well, I like it the other way around. I have a memorable one in mind for Harry though...a couple chapters down the line. *grins*

Thanks for commenting.


cybeleadam October 12 2006, 15:14:12 UTC
I had written a long comment and then there was an error when I posted it, so I lost it and, of course, and won't be able to remember every word... *very mad at LJ*

In short, it was more or less that:
* I liked the chapter, of course.
* It's so sad to see Harry walking away wondering whether is friendship with Ron is over for good.
* The conversation about Harry who could have been a Slytherin is very good (although I'm still convinced it was better in Gryffindor, because I just can't image how he could have been happy sharing a dormitory with at least three sons of Death Eaters).
* The last part is very welcome to end the chapter happily, and the reasons why it's not like they usually do make perfect sense.


aquila_star October 12 2006, 18:22:21 UTC
Damn lj!! *kicks lj in the nads* It's been acting up for me too. *glares at it*

Yeah, poor Harry, Ron certainly was adamant wasn't he? *snuggles Harry*

Yeah, the Slytherin thing I go back and forth on, but I do think Harry would have done well there...but he really did need a family then, and Gryffindor is certainly family.

Thanks babe. I'm glad the reasons make sense, it just came to me, almost fully formed, so there it is.


owens_mom October 12 2006, 15:22:30 UTC
For the love of all things holy... this was so bloody fabulous!

Oh god, I love Harry's inability to speak when he is so upset. You got that spot on, at least, to me, because that is how I see him. :)

Oh yes! With a wry grin at his friend, he called out. “Draco Malfoy’s flat.” That fucking rocks.

“All this time…all those years of animosity between us. All the shit we had to dig through to get here Harry.” Draco turned around, facing Harry, his face strained and regretful. “And you could have been mine all along. You should have been. We would have got over the start if we’d been together.” -- Oh gah.

And, I have you now. I’m not letting go Draco, I’ve learned a lot this week, and I feel like I really know myself for the first time. I picked you, you realize that, yeah? I walked away from Gryffindor, Draco.” -- Oh shit, man, you are *killing* me.

He could survive without Harry, but if he ever had to, he would not be living. -- *whimper*


aquila_star October 12 2006, 17:50:01 UTC
*squeeee* Thanks babe!! All things holy eh? *makes list*

Yeah, Harry is not the most eloquent of beasts. *laughs*

Oh yes! With a wry grin at his friend, he called out. “Draco Malfoy’s flat.” That fucking rocks.

Heh. Glad you liked that. That's one of the first things that came to me after I decided on dinner at the Burrow instead of H, R and Hr going out...making the Weasley's shit their pants! Bwahahahaha

Oh shit, man, you are *killing* me.

I do try! *waggles brow*

Thanks so much babe! I am thrilled you like it, you are certainly in mind when I write...there's so much enthusiasm from you when I post, I can't help but! *snuggles you*


owens_mom October 12 2006, 23:50:25 UTC
Happy to help, love, happy to help. :)


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