
Oct 11, 2006 15:38

Alright, all done. I can’t believe I’ve had time to finish this and post it today, after the past 5 days of having almost no time, it’s a bit unnerving. Here it is though. Hopefully I’ll be able to pull another chapter of SS out of my head tonight too. *snuggles my flist*

Title: Claiming (7)

Rating NC-17

Summary: Harry goes home to Draco.

Harry’s eyes brimmed over as he walked away from his best friend. Were they still friends? Was it over? Was Harry being with Draco really something Ron couldn’t, or wouldn’t, get over? Harry felt his stomach fill with lead as he walked with heavy limbs back to the Burrow. He swiped at the tears on his face and sucked in a few cleansing breaths. He could not go inside like this, even just to say goodbye. Saying goodbye was what he planned to do however; he was coming apart and he needed Draco.

He blinked back the tears as he approached the door, hoping that Hermione was still in the kitchen, and that there were not a lot of people there with her. She was, and there wasn’t. She was sitting with Ginny at the table as Molly bustled around making tea. Hermione and Ginny looked up as he entered and he knew his face was a dead giveaway, laying his feelings plain for all to read at will. He had never been able to hide his feelings, and they were dangerously close to the surface right then. Truly, he was a mess, his eyes red and filled with unshed tears, his face pale as a sheet, his hair wilder than usual.

“Harry? What’s wrong?” Ginny asked, standing up as if to make her way over to him and gaining Molly’s attention in the process. He couldn’t reply, just stood and stared at Hermione, anguish evident in his eyes as he pleaded with her silently to save him from two well meaning but stifling Weasley women.

Hermione took action, pre-empting Molly and Ginny by asking simply, but firmly. “May Harry and I have a few moments? We need to talk.”

Molly and Ginny both wanted to stay, to comfort Harry and find out what was wrong, but Hermione’s tone spoke plainly, so they nodded quickly and left the kitchen, Ginny shooting Harry a concerned look over her shoulder. Harry was exceedingly grateful then that he had more than one best friend. Or did he? The tears spilled over at the thought, and he crossed to Hermione and clung to her as they fell silently for several moments. Hermione just held him, knowing he would tell her what happened as soon as he gained control of himself again, but she already knew how it had gone. Clearly Ron had not taken it well. Hermione sighed. Her boyfriend was not the most rational or accepting of beasts. She would straighten him out later, if he did not come around to it himself soon.

Harry sniffled and pulled back, releasing Hermione and wiping the tear tracks from his face with his sleeve. Hermione frowned with distaste at the abuse of his shirt and slipped a towel from the counter, handing it to him.

“Thanks.” He said, cleaning his face and taking deep shuddering breaths to clear his mind and heart.

“So…it didn’t go well. I was worried about that.” Harry just nodded, having a hard time forming words.

“I have to go…he didn’t…he wouldn’t…we may have said a lot of things…” Harry trailed off, wiping another tear.

“Things you didn’t mean?” Hermione asked quietly.

“No.” Harry replied. “That’s the problem. I meant it all…I just…I’m not sure about him, I don’t know.”

Hermione nodded. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“No. I have to go home, I just…I need Draco.” Harry sighed deeply. “I…Ron…I don’t know Hermione, I don’t know if he meant it, if it’s over…I…” He sighed again, struggling to keep his control. “I chose Draco. That’s basically what it came down too, he can’t accept it, that we’re…that we…and he said…well it doesn’t matter. I walked away.”

Harry looked at Hermione, searching her eyes for the wisdom he usually found there. But this time there was nothing that would avail him. She was as helpless as he.

“Okay, Harry.” She said softly. “Why don’t you Floo home, I’ll tell everyone you weren’t feeling well.” Harry nodded and Hermione hugged him close. She was pulling him towards the kitchen fire by the arm when something connected in her mind. She stopped in front of the fireplace, holding him still for a moment.

“Harry, I don’t know what happened, or how we’ll fix it, but it’s clear to me that you were right to do what you did. Ron will come around, no.” She stopped his denial with hands over his lips. “No. He will come around. Anyway, you can’t let Ron dictate your happiness. You said you were going home, right Harry?”

Harry nodded, confused. Hermione nodded sagely. “But you’re going to Draco’s. You said you needed him; Harry...there’s no going back from this, is there? I’m afraid you’re much too far gone to stop now, aren’t you?”

Harry grinned wanly. “Yeah, I guess.” He was slightly brighter. “He is home to me, I don’t understand how though. It’s all happened very fast.”

“Or very slowly. This has been a long time coming, I told you. It seems you’ve found your home at last, Harry Potter. Go to him now. Shall we have lunch on Wednesday?”

Harry looked at her, marveling in her wisdom. She was right. After one weekend with Draco, it was a done deal. He was home. He was amazed, but strangely, his stomach felt lighter.

“Yeah, sounds good. Owl me? Oh, and tell everyone goodbye. I guess you should tell them what happened, why Ron and I…they should know. I won’t hide it, Hermione, not now that I know what my feelings for Draco are, well, what they mean.” Hermione nodded, and Harry reached out and took some Floo powder. He stepped into the magical fire just as Ginny and Fred come back into the kitchen, followed by Molly. Naturally they could only be kept out for so long.

With a wry grin at his friend, he called out. “Draco Malfoy’s flat.” And disappeared in a plume of green flame. Hermione grimaced at the sounds of confusion and dismay from behind her, and turned to face them. Before they could question her she said, “Let’s have that tea, we’ll need it. I have something to tell you.”


Harry arrived at Draco’s flat in a flurry of flames and ash. He stumbled out of the fireplace, chocking on ash and anguish both.

“Harry? Back so soon?” Draco called from the kitchen, his body following his voice into the room. Draco let out a cry as he saw Harry, his appearance, already messy and painful, was worsened by the thin layer of soot that covered him. Harry took several steps forward only to fall into Draco’s arms, tears slipping out freely now as he finally lost the battle to keep them in.

“Oh, Harry, what happened?” Draco asked, wrapping his lover in strong arms, carding long fingers through Harry’s hair. Harry couldn’t speak however; he simply clung until he was spent.

Finally he lifted his head, standing upright and allowing Draco to move him towards the sofa. Draco sat and pulled Harry down to lie next to him, his head in Draco’s lap, allowing Draco to continue his attentions to Harry’s hair.

“I’m sorry.” Harry bit out at last but Draco shushed him, summoning a towel from the kitchen to wipe Harry’s face.

“Shh, love. Just tell me what’s wrong. What happened?”

Harry snuggled closer and took a few deep breaths before beginning to talk. “Ron and I…we…talked.”

“Talked?” Draco queried. “It looks more like a fight, from where I’m sitting.” Draco stated simply. Harry sniffed but continued.

“Yeah. Yeah, we did. He…he doesn’t understand, and he doesn’t want to try.” Harry let out a dry laugh. “He accused you of pretending to be gay just to get back at me for, I don’t know, beating you at Quidditch? Or maybe just to hurt me, screw with my mind and then leave me. I don’t know. He wasn’t very rational.”

“Oh, Harry.” Draco said softly, turning Harry’s face up so they could look each other in the eye. “You know that’s not true, right? I would never, I love you Harry.” Draco said empathically. Harry reached a hand up and around Draco’s neck into his hair and pulled him down for a moist kiss.

“I know. I told him he was mad.”

Draco grinned wryly. “Shall I venture a guess that didn’t go well?”

“No, no it didn’t. He wouldn’t let it go, he said you were a Slytherin and couldn’t be trusted.”

Draco scoffed. “He’s an idiot!”

Harry wanted to defend Ron, but he was not feeling terribly charitable towards Ron just then, so he let it slide.

“That’s not the worst.” Harry replied finally. “Once I told him about the Hat he went ballistic.”

“The Hat?” Draco asked. “You mean the Sorting Hat?

“Yeah. It wanted me for Slytherin, but I said no.”

Draco’s fingers stilled in Harry’s hair. “You said no?” he asked, voice tight.

“Yeah well. You’d just been sorted there, and you were such an ass to me both times we’d met, insulting my friends, acting all snotty. Besides, Ron said Slytherin was full of Dark Wizards, so I said no.”

“That’s rubbish. Dark wizards come from every house.”

“I know that now. “ Harry replied.

“So, the Hat said Slytherin and you just said no? And it went along? Obviously.” Draco was almost talking to himself. Harry nodded.

“Well.” Draco said.

“You remember 2nd year, and all the Heir of Slytherin nonsense, and the parseltongue? Well, I asked the Hat then if it had made the right choice, and it said it stood by what it said. I was relieved; I thought it meant I was right for Gryffindor.”

“Oh?” Draco said. He seemed to have lost the ability to speak in sentences, but his hands were moving in Harry’s hair again.

“Yeah, it turns out I was wrong. It told me again that I would have done well in Slytherin. I thought then that it was wrong, but I learned different later on.”

Harry was feeling better just to be able to talk about this and Draco’s hands were lulling him into a warm, sleepy place. He sighed deeply before beginning again.

“After Dumbledore died I talked to the Hat again, when I went to talk to his portrait. It told me that the time had come to stop living my preconceptions and just be. Just be Harry. It said I had a Slytherin’s heart, and if I could let go and think like a Slytherin, like I should, then it would all fall into place. So I did, and it did. You were there. And it felt right, it felt…real. I felt like I was me for the first time. Don’t get me wrong, I fit Gryffindor well too, obviously, but it’s not where I should have been, I know that now. I made a mistake not listening to the Hat, and I can’t help but wonder what that decision has cost me.”

They sat silently for a moment until Draco gently pushed Harry’s head off his lap and stood, stalking to the mantle and leaning on it heavily, arms stretched out before him. He stood there for a moment, silent, and Harry sat up, suddenly worried.

“Draco? Are you alright?” Draco nodded his head and made a dismissive gesture with his hand. Harry waited for another moment, wondering what on earth was wrong with Draco. He had thought Draco at least would be pleased to learn about Harry’s near placement in Slytherin. Was he wrong?

Finally Draco sighed and said quietly. “All this time…all those years of animosity between us. All the shit we had to dig through to get here Harry.” Draco turned around, facing Harry, his face strained and regretful. “And you could have been mine all along. You should have been. We would have got over the start if we’d been together.”

Harry’s brow furrowed. “Maybe we would have. I don’t regret it though, even if it was a mistake, even if it was wrong. You don’t know what would have happened, Draco.” Harry replied.

“But I do know. All these years I’ve been trying, desperately trying to get closer to you, to have you notice me, only to find out why. You should have been close to me. You belong with me. Harry, this is…I don’t know how to feel about this.”

“You don’t? What are you saying, Draco?” Harry was very confused now. Did it really matter how they had got there? They were together now, that was all that mattered to Harry.

“I just don’t know. I don’t know if I should be happy that we fit so well together, that you’re more like me than I ever thought, or pissed that I’ve lost something I can never get back. You may not regret it, but I do. I regret a lot of things, but losing the chance to be close to you? I can’t help but regret it, Harry.”

“Okay. I understand. I’m sorry too, I feel like I’ve missed so much. But I needed Gryffindor when I was young, I needed a family more than anything, Slytherin or not. And Gryffindor gave me that. And, I have you now. I’m not letting go Draco, I’ve learned a lot this week, and I feel like I really know myself for the first time. I picked you, you realize that, yeah? I walked away from Gryffindor, Draco.”

At this Draco’s face turned slack and white. He turned away from Harry again and bowed his head over the mantle. His shoulders began to shake, and Harry stood immediately. Was Draco crying? Was he really that upset?

“Draco?” Harry walked to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Draco turned around, and Harry saw he was laughing, yet he had tears in his eyes.

“You did, didn’t you? You picked me. And he let you walk away. That’s something I could never do Harry. In fact, if you look at all our school years it’s pretty obvious I’d been chasing you around for years, trying to get closer, but you never let me in. Now that you have…well. You really picked me.”

Harry smiled, wrapping his arms around Draco’s waist. His tears were forgotten; the pain of leaving Ron was still an ache in his chest, but it was lighter now and easy to brush aside, for the moment at least. “I did.” Harry said simply, resting his forehead against Draco’s.

“You know what this means, don’t you?” Draco asked, suddenly cheerful, happier. Harry gazed at him questioningly, waiting for him to continue. “It means you’re mine. Really mine, Harry. You should have been all along, and now that you are…I won’t be letting go either. In fact, I’m going to do the opposite.” He pulled Harry tighter into his embrace and kissed him, hard.

Harry kissed back, his heart filling with Draco even as his cock filled with blood. Draco deepened the kiss, his hands roaming over Harry now as he began to undress him. “Uhngg.” Harry moaned as Draco’s lips left his to attach to his neck, nipping and sucking a deep red bruise to the surface. He began pushing Harry back, leading him to the bedroom bit by bit, continuing to kiss, lick and suck at Harry, even as he continued stripping clothes. Soon Harry found himself pressed against the wall in the hallway as Draco paused in their journey to stop and pay close attention to Harry’s chest, now laid bare to his questing lips.

“Draco?” Harry asked, overwhelmed by Draco’s ardent attentions. Draco had never been like this with him, so forceful, making Harry know with every nip of teeth and flick of tongue who was in charge. He had never taken the lead in their lovemaking quite as firmly as he was now, preferring to lay back and let Harry worship him.

“Draco?” Harry tried again. He was weak in the knees now, and if Draco didn’t stop soon, or move this to the bed, Harry didn’t think he’d be able to stay standing. As if reading his mind, Draco began maneuvering them to the bedroom once more, now focusing on Harry’s belt and jeans as they kissed, deeper now, more intense. Harry was swept along, completely taken by what Draco was doing to him.They finally made it to the bedroom and after some awkward pushing and pulling of clothing, Harry found himself pushed onto the bed naked, he watched appreciatively as Draco finish undressing.

‘Now, I’m going to show you Harry. You are mine, and I’m going to take you. So you never forget. I’m gong to show you what it means to be mine.” Draco moved up the bed as he spoke, straddling Harry and pinning his hands to the bed. His words had Harry on fire, his cock felt harder than it ever had, and he laid back and waited for Draco to continue. But Draco stilled, staring down at his lover in amazement, eyes tracing every line of Harry’s face, as if to memorize it, to remember this moment.

“Draco.” Harry pleaded, wishing he would just get on with it, and relieve the pressure. “Shh.” Was all the response Draco gave, but he moved in then, dipping his head to catch Harry’s lips in a deep, heart filled kiss. It continued for what seemed like an hour to Harry, or longer, but it was over all too soon. Before Harry had time to mourn the loss of Draco’s lips against his, Draco was kissing a trail down his chest, paying attention to his sensitive spots, the curve of his pecs, then on to his sides where Harry was ticklish usually, but when Draco licked and bit there Harry writhed under him. From there Draco moved to Harry’s bellybutton, paying homage to the small dip for a moment before continuing downwards. Harry’s cock was bumping into Draco’s chin and the pressure was lovely, Harry thrusted up, trying to push himself closer to Draco to gain friction; but Draco was having none of it. He moved on quickly and fortunately for Harry’s sanity he began nuzzling Harry’s cock with his nose, then cheeks, then forehead. He rubbed his whole face over Harry’s cock before taking it into his mouth and sucking.

Harry felt soft fingers begin to tease his balls, brushing over them with a whisper light touch, leaving goose bumps behind. He felt them begin to tighten, pulling up close to his body, indicating his imminent release, and so did Draco. He pulled back, letting Harry’s cock go after giving it one last lick.

“Not yet love. I have other plans for you.” Draco teased, pulling back from Harry and spreading his legs wide as he settled himself between them. Harry caught sight of Draco’s cock then, stiff and red and leaking a drop of precome. He watched the droplet slide over the head of Draco’s cock before dripping onto the bed. He moaned at the loss, wishing he could have licked it off, but soon forgot his wish as he heard Draco whisper a lubrication charm. Soon after he felt cool, wet fingers tease his arsehole, and he shuddered deeply, his body shaking with the anticipation of what Draco was going to do.

Harry had never bottomed before; it was always he who took Draco, to their mutual agreement. Draco enjoyed bottoming much more than topping, telling Harry the reason was just that he was lazy, and since it felt so mind bogglingly amazing, why on earth would he want to top? This time however, he felt the need to claim Harry, to take him and own him in every way possible. Harry’s words about being a Slytherin and choosing him had pushed Draco over the edge from merely in love to hopelessly entangled, addicted, dependant. He could survive without Harry, but if he ever had to, he would not be living.

Harry was nervous about bottoming, but excited and terribly aroused at the same time. Letting Draco take charge of the encounter was a heady feeling, he was letting go; giving someone else the control and it felt amazing. He felt free. Had it been anyone but Draco he would not have allowed it, after everything he had suffered through he was not one to give up control easily or lightly. Truth be told, Harry needed it now, as much as Draco did. He needed to belong, to be cherished; he needed Draco to prove that he wouldn’t leave, to show how he loved Harry. So Harry opened his legs further and Draco slid a finger inside him, stretching. He added another, moving them inside Harry for a moment before pulling out, laving Harry’s balls with a hot tongue before moving back up to look Harry in the eye.

He whispered the charm again and slicked his cock with it, groaning as Harry gazed up at him, legs spread, his puckered hole just visible, glistening with lube; chest heaving and flushed all over. Harry was intoxicating. Draco moved closer, kneeling between Harry’s legs, gripping Harry’s hips and pulling him up so that the backs of Harry’s thighs lay along the top of Draco’s. They locked eyes, Draco moving in and Harry feeling the nudge of his cock against the prepared hole. Harry had little time to gasp in a breath before Draco pushed in; slipping the head of his cock past the ring of muscle that was trying to keep him out.

“You’re mine Harry. Mine now. There’s no getting away after this.” Harry let out a gasp as Draco pushed in further, sinking himself slowly and steadily into Harry as he spoke. Harry was unsure which touched him more, Draco’s words or his cock. But there was no time for thought as Draco leaned down to kiss him, resting inside Harry for a moment, changing the angle to open Harry up a little more. Harry felt a slight burning, but mostly he just felt full. Full of Draco, his heart bursting and his arse aching for more.

“Draco, please. Do something…I want…” Harry’s words were cut off again as Draco began moving, thrusting into him, slowly at first, then picking up speed as Harry moaned beneath him. It felt wonderful, more so with every thrust. Harry could feel his prostate come alive against Draco’s cock, and he reached up to grab Draco’s buttocks, pulling him closer and wrapping his legs around Draco’s waist. Draco was thrusting quickly now, nudging Harry’s prostate with every thrust, mutter words of love and possession under his breath as he claimed Harry. Harry responded the only way he knew, chanting yes, yes, Draco, yes over and over so Draco would know; really know that Harry belonged to him.

Before long they were coming, hard and long, one after the other, shuddering in tandem before Draco collapsed onto Harry, breath coming in gasps. They lay there, feeling each other, holding each other close, drifting off into sleep; where their dreams replayed the events of that night, acknowledging their love for each other even in sleep.
Chapter Eight

confession series

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