McSheplets Challenge #47 Fic:Making Changes (John/Rodney)

Jun 16, 2009 01:01

Title: Making Changes
Author: Aqualegia
Rating: PG McKay/Sheppard
Disclaimer: Not Mine!
Word Count: 548
Summary: A new home needs some changes
mcsheplets Prompt #47 Home Improvement
Hewligan_100 Prompt #16 Sleep

As each new area of the city was released for occupation, John and Rodney searched for the perfect apartment.

Finally, after months of searching, they found one that met all their criteria.

Near a transporter: check
Large balcony: check.
Very big living room with separate kitchen: check
Panoramic views of the city and the ocean: check.
Other large rooms which would serve as bedrooms and offices - with lots of bathrooms: check.

It couldn't be more perfect if they had built it themselves.

After they had finished taking inventory, they met back in the apartment's lobby, they didn't it need to speak, their self-satisfied smirks told their own story, this was perfect.

Rodney immediately accessed the central housing program and marked the suite of rooms as occupied and added their names as the occupants.

As soon as their claim to the space had been ratified, they moved their furniture and possessions into the appropriate rooms.

§ § §

While they were eating their first meal in their new home, they made a list of the items of furniture they would need to make the place look a little less spartan.

They then arranged a meeting with Woolsey and explained to him what they wanted to do. To furnish their new home with items made by artisans from their allied worlds rather than send back to Earth for everything. Woolsey also thought this was a good idea.

So they went to Rataq and ordered the furniture; to Yaohan for fabrics woven to their specifications in silk, cotton and linen; to Naspera for a spectacular carpet for their living room with smaller ones for their bedroom; and to the Athosians for help with all the other items they required..

There was one item which had to come from Earth, so they pooled their cargo allowance and placed an order.

§ § §

Getting items specially made was always a time-consuming occupation, and this time was no different. The silk, cotton and linen fabrics arrived first. Some were put to use straight away, the rest were put aside until all the other items were in place.

Over the next few weeks they made quite a few trips to Rataq to bring back the each piece of furniture as it was completed.

They retrieved the largest and last item of beautifully carved wood on the day that the Daedalus arrived with their one and only item from Earth.

That night they hosted a party to celebrate the completion of their home, and as a 'thank you' to their friends for all the help they had been given.

It was almost midnight before everyone had left and they were able to make their way... not to the room they had been using with their old bed, but to the huge master bedroom with their new and extra large bed complete with the specially constructed mattress brought from Earth; made to Rodney's own specification.

For the first time since they had come to Atlantis, they were both able to stretch out completely without having to worry about falling out of bed in their sleep.

Tomorrow they would celebrate their best home improvement, ever, but tonight was for sleep....

...and so they did, wrapped in each other's arms as if they didn't have a huge bed in which to get lost.



mcsheplets, mcshep, hewligan100, fiction

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