McSheplets Challenge #46 Fic: Musings Before Dawn (John/Rodney)

Jun 02, 2009 10:30

Title: Musings Before Dawn
Author: Aqualegia
Rating: PG McKay/Sheppard
Disclaimer: Not Mine!
Word Count: 333
Summary: Musings before dawn.
mcsheplets Prompt #46 Anticipation
Hewligan_100 Prompt #17 Awake

I'm awake when I really should be asleep, Rodney thought as he stared up at the ceiling, watching as the reflection of the moon on the ocean made ripples across its surface.

He shifted his gaze to the clock on the nightstand and sighed, there were still two hours before dawn and therefore three and a half hours before he had to get up.

Okay, he knew he was excited, but excitement had never stopped him from sleeping before; especially after such magnificent, mind-blowing sex. Yet here he was, wide awake, with a peacefully sleeping John wrapped up in his arms. The fact that John was clinging to him like an octopus in return hadn't escaped his notice. His lips quirked and he dropped a kiss on the top of John's head which made his lover shift slightly and Rodney's grin widened as the spikey tips of John's hair tickled his chin.

Today was a milestone in Earth's history; the existence of Atlantis was about to be revealed and he and John would be stepping through the Stargate to be on hand to answer questions about their home. Theirs was the last secret of the Stargate program to be revealed, and he anticipated that the world would be enchanted by the city and its wonders, he was sure that they could fall in love with Atlantis in the way that its inhabitants had.

John, of course, would be loved and adored that was a given; but the public would have to learn that John belonged to him.

John shifted again and in a half awake mutter said, "I can hear you thinking, turn off your brain, and get some sleep. We've done everything we should have, everyone is ready; our bags are packed. So sleep."

Rodney shifted position slightly and closed his eyes, "I'll try," he said quietly as John drifted off again. "I'll sleep better once today is over...."

He buried his nose in John's hair and, finally, he slept.


mcsheplets, sgatlantis, mcshep, hewligan100, fiction

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