Fic: At First Sight (McKay/Sheppard - pre-slash)

Jan 27, 2009 11:22

Title: At First Sight
Author: Aqualegia
Rating: PG McKay/Sheppard (pre-slash)
Disclaimer: Not Mine!
Word Count: 721
Summary: Episode 1.01&2 - Rising. John Sheppard meets Rodney McKay for the first time.
mcsheplets Prompt #37 Deep.
Hewligan_100 Prompt #013 White


In a world of white, it would not be difficult to lose oneself... but I've made this run so many times, I can recognize the peaks which surround the white dome of the science outpost.

I have to admit that after being chased around by a squid-shaped missile, I feel like wandering around on the surface for a while. I like Antarctica; I like the silence and the pristine cleanliness of the ice and snow surrounding this outpost, it soothes something inside me. However, the General has 'invited' me to accompany him, so I obediently follow him past the security doors, and into an elevator I didn't know existed, which takes us very, very deep under the innocent looking white dome.

Everywhere I look is white, the elevator's walls are ice, and even when we reach our destination, most of the walls, floor and ceiling are carved out of the ice, too.

The General goes off with one of the scientists, and tells me not to touch anything... but there's something here that is calling to me... something I have to see. As I walk the call gets stronger and I reach an area in the centre of which is a large, fancy chair. One of the people there is, apparently, the person who accidently fired the missile at us; and as he talks the urge to sit in the chair gets unbearable.

I ignore the guy's protest and sit down; and the world changes around me... the chair lights up blue, and leans back... and people rush into the room, staring...

I hear the General say, "I told you not to touch anything."

"I just sat down," I automatically protest.

Then a man in an orange fleece says, "Major, think about where we are in the solar system."

Immediately, a 3D hologram of the solar system appears in the air over my head.

"Did I do that?" I ask.

The fleece-clad man, looks sourly back at me for a moment, then taking a deep breath, asks me to think about other things, which also bring up holograms floating in the air above us.

Eventually, he lets me sit up, and I get my first, good look at the man, and I really, really like what I see. Blue eyes, light brown hair, and a crooked mouth, which has changed from looking sourly at me to beaming with glee.

When I stand up to stretch my legs, he holds out his hand. "Doctor Rodney McKay," he says, "I'm the chief scientist here. Come with me Major, I'd like to have a talk with you." He turns and starts to walk away.

As our hands touched, I felt something melt inside me... I wanted to know more about Rodney McKay... much, much more. I watched his retreating ass, then followed him to the mess, where he bought us both some coffee... and started to talk about a people called the Ancients.

Being military, I know I'm not supposed to want him; but I do. It's going to be a struggle to keep my hands off him.



When I first saw John Sheppard reclining in the Ancient chair, I felt a wave of jealousy, swiftly followed by intense curiosity as the chair is shining far more brightly than I have ever seen before. Could this man have a really strong version of the ATA gene?

To test my hypothesis I say, "Major, think about where we are in the solar system." Immediately a 3D hologram appears over our heads.

When I shake hands, and introduce myself, I really don't want to let him out of my sight. So, after our session in the chair room, I take him for coffee, and give him some history about the race of beings that built this outpost.

After that, we go to the infirmary, where I introduce him to Carson Beckett, who talks Sheppard into letting him take blood samples. While Carson is fussing over the Major, I stand nearby, looking at the pretty man who has, almost literally, lit up my life. I do hope that Doctor Weir will be able to make him a member of our expedition. I want to know more of him... much more... and who knows, if we find Atlantis, we may spend the rest of our lives together.


mcsheplets, sgatlantis, mcshep, hewligan100, fiction

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