Title: Being John Sheppard
Author: Aqualegia
Rating: PG McKay/Sheppard (pre-slash)
Disclaimer: Not Mine!
Word Count: 1037
Summary: Tag to Episode 5.19 - Vegas
Notes: I couldn't stop thinking about the episode. So, after watching it three times, I decided I had to fix the ending - especially as Woolsey states: "We should have John Sheppard's co-ordinates".
Note 2: I originally posted this to my journal last Saturday, then decided I didn't like the way I had written the ending... it's taken me a week to realize that I needed to chop the ending off. So, if anyone did catch it before I took it down, I apologize... this is different.
mcsheplets Prompt #36 Lost
Hewligan_100 Prompt #41 Heart
John Sheppard lay on his back, staring up at the darkening sky, wondering if this was how his life was going to end... here, on the hot sand of the Nevada desert, not unlike the sands of other places he'd been, where he'd seen friends, and more than just friends, die bleeding out onto the sand. Just like he was now.
He'd lost himself there for a while, going to quit and run as far and as fast as he could... but reality had intervened, and he found that his sense of duty, his heart, wouldn't let him.
He hadn't expected the alien, this Wraith, to have access to Earth's automatic weapons, though maybe he should have - and then maybe he wouldn't be lying here waiting for... whatever.
He had watched the Thunderbolts fly away after blasting the trailer apart, and idly wondered if the distraction of his arrival had given them enough time to prevent the signal from being sent. It would be nice to know whether his final sacrifice had been worth it; whether he had won or lost.
A bright, white light near his ruined car caught his attention. He turned his head slightly to see what had caused it.
"Hey!" he croaked, startled to find a group of people standing where there had been no one moments before.
As one the group turned towards him, and then hurried over. One of them took a look at his condition, and put a blinking red... something in his top pocket, then said, "Daedalus, I've found Sheppard, he's badly injured. I've put a transmitter on him, so beam him out of here."
A beam of white light shot out of the sky and enveloped John... the next thing he knew he was laying on a gurney, with medical staff clustered around him. He felt a prick in his arm, and knew nothing more.
Cool fingers on his forehead finally prompted John to open his eyes. He took in the doctor standing beside him making notes on his chart; and then the almost luxurious room which contained the bed on which he was lying.
"So, I'm guessing I'm not dead," he whispered, his throat dry and a bit sore.
The woman spun round to look at him, and his memory supplied her name: Doctor Keller. "No, you're definitely not dead," she replied with a big smile on her face. She picked up a cup with a straw in it and let him take a few sips. "We plugged the holes, and started getting blood and fluids into you as soon as you arrived. Since then you've had surgery to close the holes, and kept lightly sedated to make sure that you rested for the last couple of days."
"So what happens now? I don't have medical insurance, and-"
"There's no need to worry about that," she interrupted. "You won't get presented with any bills. Just get some more rest, and try to sleep if you can." She put the call button in his right hand. "If you need some help sleeping, or you need anything else, then just press the call button. Someone will come right away."
"Thanks, doc." John smiled up at her, then closed his eyes, still feeling tired; eventually he drifted off to sleep.
The next time John woke up, there were two men talking to one another across his bed. One he recognized as Rodney McKay, the other was a Major General judging by the stars on his shoulder; and he waved a hand to attract their attention.
"Good, I'm glad you've woken up," McKay told him.
"Did I have a choice?" John asked, waving his hand between them. "You're not exactly being quiet here."
"He's got a point there, McKay," the General said, his lips twitching into a smile. Then, turning towards John, he went on, "And, since you are awake, and probably wondering why I'm here... I'll tell you why I came.
"I am Major-General Jack O'Neill, and I'm head of Homeworld Security, so this - er - project comes under my aegis. Firstly, I'd like to say a personal 'thank you' because I have been assured by McKay that without your efforts we wouldn't have found where the Wraith was hiding; nor would we have found the location of the device in time to destroy it before the signal was strong enough to reach its intended target. You won't get any public recognition for finding the Wraith for us.... Twice! At least not until this project is declassified, whenever that might be.
"Secondly, I have been directed to say 'thank you' on behalf of the Air Force and those members of the US government who have the highest level security clearance, they appreciate your efforts on our behalf.
"Lastly, I'm glad you managed to survive the experience."
John's eyes opened wider with each sentence... then managed a grin at the final comment. "Thank you, Sir. I'm pretty glad I survived, too."
"Good," O'Neill replied. "I'll leave you with McKay, now. He also has some things he wants to say to you." He turned and walked out of the room, pausing momentarily in the doorway to say, "Maybe I'll see you around."
John looked at McKay and raised an eyebrow at him.
McKay gave a wry smile in return. "The list of people who wanted to thank you also includes me. With that in mind, and since you are now unemployed, we would like to put forward a proposal. We'd like you to come and work for us."
"Doing what?"
"Do you remember that fancy chair I showed you?"
With a faint grin, John nodded.
"Well, you have the necessary gene to use it, if you're willing to sign on with the project."
John cocked his head to one side. "What do I get out of it?"
"A job for life... Flying aircraft, and spaceships; visiting other planets through the stargate, and, of course, fighting the Wraith."
McKay watched in silence as Sheppard dropped his gaze to where his hands lay on the bed covers, and stared at them for nearly five minutes.
Finally, John raised his head, and, looking McKay in the eye, he said, "Where do I sign."