Dec 30, 2005 10:40
The fucked up part of all of this is:
I am obssessive the way Ben Bannier was over Annie Molli to the point where I am turning into a self-loathing, stereotypical-emo leech on society.
I am a sucker the way Jon Wendlend was when he moved to Minneapolis to be dumped a month later by the girl he moved there for.
I am reliving four years ago when Anna decided she wasn't going to "deal" with me anymore and split and I spent a year being the self-loathing, stereotypical-emo leech on society only to be told by Hannah that I had been fucked over and then have Anna confirm and apologize.
But the most fucked up thing is how people I know look at me with pity and a "I told you so" look in their eyes. They knew that I was chasing a fantasy and being the fool. I hate them for knowing.
Wait, no. The MOST fucked up thing is I want her back.